Chapter 8 - Part 2

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“So what’s the occasion?” Emma asked as she pulled her BMW in my driveway.

“Nothing.” I answered nonchalantly. “I just wanted to hang out with my best friend.” I punched her arm jokingly.

“Uh-huh...” she sounded unconvinced which wasn’t the slightest bit surprising considering I wasn’t good at making my pathetic excuses sound believable.

As soon as Emma parked the car and switched the engine off, I threw myself out of the vehicle and jangled my key rings looking for my house key. I don’t know why I have so many key rings but only one key...

I finally unlocked the door and stepped inside, and turned the lights on as a shivering Emma stumbled after me.

“Could you have been any slower?” She complained. “It’s freezing out there.”

“Oh, stop complaining. You’re inside now. I’ll make some hot chocolate, if you want.” I offered politely and she nodded quickly in response.

She looks like a bobble head when she does that, I thought.

I walked straight into the kitchen and reached for two mugs for our hot chocolates on the top cupboard. I walked past the fridge, noticing something in the corner of my eye; I froze and walked backwards.

There was a note stuck on the fridge.

They should be here at 6:30. Just get a take-away for dinner.

I’ll be home around 11PM, don’t wait up for me.

Lots of love,



I glanced at my watch; I only have half an hour until they get here. Great. I continued to make our hot chocolate and added marshmallows and cream to help cheer myself up.

This week-end is going to be hell.

I walked into the living room, carrying a hot chocolate in each hand. Emma was lounging on our sofa while watching Jeremy Kyle on TV.

She laughed, “Oh my Gosh! Avery, you have to see this. It’s hilarious!” She threw her head back and guffawed.

“Seems like it,” I chuckled, setting down the mugs on the coffee table.

“Oooh, marshmallows!” Emma exclaimed childishly and stretched her arm out from the sofa. “I...can’t...rea-“ She fell flat on her face on the floor.

“AHAHA!” I guffawed and accidentally choked on a marshmallow.

Emma glared at me for laughing. “Ha! Karma. That’s what you get for laughing at my misfortune.” She stuck her tongue out and I grinned widely at her which annoyed her even more.

“Emma, just get off your butt and drink your hot chocolate.”

“Will do, bossy pants.” She teased.

“Good, lazy dumb butt.” I retorted with a smile and Emma rolled her eyes.

“Butt head,” she muttered under her breath.

I was going to insult her back when I was interrupted by the sound of squealing tyres and bright headlights flashed through the curtains.

“AVERY!” Someone shouted from outside. Their voice was muffled by the walls, “Avery, buddy?!”

I had the sudden urge to hit my head against a wall. I sighed heavily, “It’s Dylan.”

“What’s he doing here?” Emma asked, “You haven’t been getting special time with him have you?” she wiggled her eyebrows at me and I punched her arm, not so playfully.

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