Chapter 10

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It’s been a while since I’ve been to a party this big and this crowded. The music blasted through the speakers, each beat thumping through my body making my bones shudder. There was people everywhere, inside the huge mansion-like house and even outside in the garden where it was icy cold.People were dancing everywhere, bodies crashing into each other because of the lack of space for movement.

I spotted Emma and Aaron dancing right in the middle of the room. I watched as Emma shoved a random girl out of the way because she forcefully pulled Emma’s arm to try and dance with Aaron. Emma’s feistiness made me chuckle, I looked around, observing my surroundings. I could see so many girls dressed in slutty, short dresses with their faces caked with so much make-up. Ew. Gag.

We walked over to them and chatted for a while, Emma mainly just bitched about the Barbie-wannabes while Jason and Aaron made fun of them saying that one of them looked like a carrot stick, which was quite mean but true. When Emma and Aaron were immersed in their own conversation, we left them alone.

While everyone else danced normally around us, Jason and I decided to be our goofy selves and dance like complete spazzy idiots. At one point he insisted that he was twerking but to be honest,  he just looked like he was being electrocuted and his muscles were having insane spasms. It was hilarious and I erupted into uncontrollable laughter.

“I can do the robot, too!” He exclaimed.

“Yeah, okay, sure.” I chuckled sarcastically.

“You’re just jealous because you can’t and even if you won’t admit this, you know I’m a better dancer than you.”

I gasped loudly, “As if! In your dreams.”

“No, in your dreams.” He said with a wink.

 My feet were already killing me and I’m afraid that my feet would have to be amputated but that’s just me being paranoid, like always. I was left leaning against the wall opposite the patio doors. Jason had left to go grab some drinks but he’s been gone a while, which wasn’t the least bit surprising because it’s hard to push through a large crowd full of people drunk on alcohol.

A small spot in the swarm of bodies opened and I saw Dylan slumped against the patio doors with a bottle of beer in his hand. I couldn’t tell if he had passed out or not so I hurriedly pushed through the mass of people, shoving anyone who stood in my way.

He better not have passed out, or else I’d have to try and wake him up and he might puke all over me. Or worse, I might have to drag his drunk butt back into the house.

I slid the patio doors open and stepped outside, the cold air made me shiver as I stepped in front of Dylan. His hair was dishivelled and he looked half-asleep yet completely adorable at the same time. I don’t know how he does that.

He looks so cute, I thought. Wait, no. Bad Avery. I scolded myself. I shook the thoughts out of my head.

 “Oh, good. You haven’t passed out. I was worried that I’d have to drag your butt back inside.” I sighed in relief, rubbing my hands up and down my arms.

“Sit,” he slurred and patted the floor, gesturing for me to sit down.

“You’re drunk.” I pointed out and he shook his head in denial but I sat down next to him.

“I’m not...erm...drunk” he tried to deny but failed. He was too drunk to talk comprehensively.

“Yes, you are.” I said, looking at him.

“It’s... cold out here,” he took his jacket off and gave it to me, I smiled gratefully.

Hmm. It seems that he’s nicer when he’s drunk. Maybe he should have alcohol more often, I thought.

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