Chapter 12 - Part 2

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Avery’s P.O.V

Jason and I dawdled to my front door and I smiled to myself before turning to my heel to face him. I looked into his blue eyes, trying not to get lost in them. “So...I had a great time tonight,” I bit my lip nervously. “Thanks.” I said lamely.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you had fun,” he winked, and flashed a bright smile.

“I better get inside then,” I said, an attempt to stall. He nodded, grinning at me and turned away to his car as I turned and stepped closer to the door.

 I guess that’s the end of my fairytale of a night.


A strong hand gripped my arm and spun me around. The movement was swift and happened too quickly that my brain wasn’t able to register what had just happened. The only thing I saw was bright blue smiling eyes before I felt Jason’s lips crashing down on mine.

My breath caught and I found myself panting when I slowly pulled away, “What just happened?”

“I kissed you,” he replied. “Like this,” and in a split second, we were kissing again.

I smiled into the kiss, “I know that.”

“I got a question for you,” he said in between kisses.

“Mhmm,” I mumbled, I was too distracted to give a coherent answer.

“Be my girlfriend,” Jason whispered as he broke the kiss and look at me, his eyes burning into mine.

“Yes,” I answered without any second thoughts. He gave a lopsided smile and I felt butterlies in my stomach.

“Great,” he smirked and pulled me closer to him, leaning in for another kiss but I moved my head so that he ended up kissing my cheek.

“But, first,” I started. “You have to know that I kissed Dylan or rather Dylan kissed me,” I spoke quickly and rambled on. “Bottom line is, we kissed and I just thought I’d tell you now because you guys hate each other and I don’t want you to find out later on and I don’t want to start our relationship with a load of sec-“

I was rudely interrupted by a kiss, but to be honest, I didn’t mind the slightest bit. “Shut up,” he grinned.

“Well, that was definitely the best way to shut me up,” I laughed.

“And I don’t care if he kissed you, I already know. And as long as he doesn’t do it again, then we won’t have ay problems.” He smirked, lacing our fingers together.

I raised my eyebrows at him, “What do you mean you already know?” I asked cautiously.

Jason shrugged, “I might have overheard you two talking about it when we got home from the party.” He answered lamely, making it sound like it wasn’t a big deal.

“You mean you were eavesdropping?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Something like that,” he smiled and I shook my head. “What? I was curious and I wanted to know what you two were talking about. I had to know if I still had a shot or not.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, okay, whatever.” I chuckled.

A light switched on from one of the windows upstairs, my Mum must be awake. We both looked up at the light that streamed out of the windows.

“I guess that means I have to go,” I said sadly. I didn’t have any intention whatsoever to ever leave that spot.

Jason sighed, “I guess I’ll have to let you go to sleep.” He said before burshing his lips against mine and unwrapping his arms around my waist which left me feeling a bit cold. “Goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay,” I answered quietly and waved as he pulled out my driveway.

As soon as I walked inside the house and shut the door behind me, I started to bounce up and down, flailing my arms around and squealing as quietly as possible.

“Had a good night out, then?” My mum asked with her eyebrows raised in question but I could tell she was trying not to smile.

“I guess you can say that,” I smiled and walked past her up the stairs and into my room.

I changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth before jumping into my bed and staring at the ceiling. I sighed deeply, “Could this night get any better?” I whispered into the dark. “I don’t think it can,” I grinned.

My phone buzzed and I reached onto my bedside table.

Goodnight, beautiful. I’ll see you in the morning.


I smiled like an idiot as I read the text message. “Oops, spoke to soon. It just got better.”

I called Emma and waited for her to pick up.

“Hey, it’s me. I have something to tell you.” I spoke softly into the phone.

“This better be an emergency for you to wake me up at,” she paused probably to look at the time. “11:46 at night!” she exclaimed angrily.

“Trust me, you’re going to want to know about this.”

“Fine.” She replied. “What is it? But you should know that I’m sleepy and tired and if this is not important or at least interesting, I’m hanging up and going back to bed.”

“Guess who’s no longer single?” I whispered and I heard her squeal loudly and pulled the phone away from my ears to prevent her from damaging them.

“Avery! Oh my God! Since when? Don’t tell me you waited an hour or something to tell me ot I swear I will hurt you.”

I chuckled, “No, it just happened about ten minutes ago. I just got in.” I explained.

“Ahhhhh!” she screamed. “How did it happen? Give me details! Don’t miss anything out!” she demanded.”

“I thought you were sleepy and tired?” I teased.

“Hell no! I’m awake now and sleep is for the weak.” She exclaimed excitedly.

“I’ll just tell you tomorrow. It’s pretty late and we both need to get some sleep.”

“Avery,you can’t possibly expect me to wait until morning for you to tell me. Now spill it.” She insited.

“Are you sure? You get cranky when you don’t get enough sleep,” I knew stalling annoyed her and I laughed to myself because I knew she would be furious.

“Yes! For crying out loud! Just tell me! Already!” she yelled into the phone and I decided to stop torturing her.

I sighed and described everything that happened, being careful not to miss any details out in fear of Emma strangling me or something like that. I told her about out date near the lake, the table that he set up, everything. And I couldn’t help but feel butterlies flutteing like crazy in my stomach as I told the story.

I silently smiled to myself after I had spoken to Emma and drifted into blissful unconsciousness.

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What do you think so far? Should Avery end up with Dylan or Jason?

Can anyone think of any good ship names? Comment any ideas for shipnames. I'll give a dedication to whoever comes up with the best one.


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