Chapter 15

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8 Days before Valentine’s Day.

My arms were aching from carrying all of Emma’s shopping bags and my legs are about to collapse from underneath me. I knew this would happen, it happens every time we go to the mall. It’s annoying but I guess that’s the price I have to pay for being friends with Emma. Let’s just say it’s one of her little ‘quirks’.

“My arms are going to fall off,” I whined.

Emma stopped walking and let me catch up, “Stop complaining, we’re not done shopping yet.”

“But, I’m tired and all your bags are cutting the circulation from my arms!”

“Oh,  shush. This is important we have to find the best dresses and shoes! So suck it up,” She said, shrugging lightly.

“It’s just a stupid dance. We can just go in jeans and a T-shirt.” I replied, dropping the bags on the floor momentarily to relieve my arms from the weight.

Emma gasped loudly, “Jeans and a T-shirt?” she asked in disbelief. “We can’t go in jeans and a T-shirt! What are we, hobos?”

“No, I’m just saying that none of these,” I motioned towards the abundance of shopping bags, ”are necessary.”

She gaped at me, “They are! We have to dress to impress, Avery! It might be a stupid dance but we still need to look good.” She scolded.

“But why?” I whined again.

Emma stepped closer to me and grabbed my shoulders, “because we do. Now pick up those bags, suck it up and let’s get going.” She said before turning on her heels and walking towards the next shop that she was going to raid.

I groaned and picked up the bags once again and followed Emma into the shop. She was already holding a bunch of clothes on her arm and had a crazed look on her face.

I knew two things. 1. Emma is going to max out her credit card. And 2. She’s probably going to become a shopacholic.

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

I sunk into the front seat of Emma’s car out of tiredness from spendig an entire day shopping. There was a huge pile of shopping bags in the back seat.

I sighed, “I’m glad that’s over.”

“Why do you hate shopping so much?” she asked glancing at me for a second before keeping an eye on the road again.

“I don’t hate it, I just don’t particularly going shopping,” I paused. “With you...” I said with a wince.

She gasped, “What? But I’m your bestfriend! You’re supposed to love shopping with me!”

“Yeah, but you practically run around the entire mall going from one shop to another and buying pretty much everything you see! I can’t keep up, my feet hurt, I get hungry and your shopping bags are heavy!”

Emma scoffed, “I don’t buy everything I see and think of it as a work-out. Shopping does wonders, it keeps you healthy physically and mentally because you’re walking around and carrying bags is like lifting weights. And a good retail theraphy never hurt anyone.”

“It’s hurting me,” I muttered Emma laughed at my comment and turned the radio on.

She was singing along to the radio loudly which made me smile at her craziness before staring out of the window watching cars drive past.

“Aren’t you worried about this dance next Friday?” I asked her.

Emma turned the radio down so she could hear me better, “Not really, should I be?”

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