Chapter 14

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10 Days before Valentine’s Day.

I’m determined to get this done before the end of class. I carefully painted neat strokes on the painting that I was working on. My eyebrows furrowed in concentration while I blocked out everything, especially the music that was blasting through the radio.

“You shouldn’t be with him,” Dylan interrupted.

I sighed, dropping the paintbrush on the desk and turned to him. “And why is that, huh? Is it even any of your business?” I asked rhetorically, “No, it isn’t. So just leave it.”

I stood up and walked over to the sink to wash the paint off of my hands. Dylan followed me and grabbed my shoulders, turning me around.

He met my cold gaze without blinking, “It’s none of my business, you’re right. I’m just trying to help.”

“Help?” I scoffed, grabbing paper towels to dry my hands. “You’re trying to help? How, by trying to break us up? I hate to break it to you but, that’s not helping. That’s sabotage.” I said with my voice dripping with sarcasm.

He shook his head, “trust me, I’m trying to help.”

I rolled my eyes at him, “Tell you what, just do me a favour and take your ‘help’ somewhere else. I don’t need your ‘help’ and I certainly don’t want you telling me who I should and shouldn’t be with!” I spat at him.

He shook his head, “Why won’t you listen to me?” he asked.

I shrugged, “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you’ve been telling me that I was ‘making a mistake’ all week! And it’s starting to get really really annoying.”

“Well, because you are,” he said simply.

“No, I’m not. You can’t even explain to me properly as to why ‘I’m making a mistake’.” I scoffed, crossing my arms across my chest.

“I’ve been trying, you just won’t listen.” He argued.

“I’m listening now, so come on, enlighten me.” I said coldly, gritting my teeth.

“He’s using you.” He said.

“He’s using me, huh? That’s it? And how do you know?” I questioned, tilting my head slightly and narrowing my eyes at him.

“I just do, alright?” Dylan replied.

“Yeah, okay. He’s ‘using me’, just like you’re trying to ‘help’ and that you’re ‘just friends’ with, I don’t know, half of the cheerleading squad?” I said sarcastically using air quotes to put emphasise my words.

Dylan’s jaw tightened, “We’re just friends.” He answered bitterly. “And fine, if you don’t want to listen, then...fine.”

“Fine.” I shrugged and grabbed my things off the desk.

***   ***   ***   ***  ***

I took a deep breath and sighed, tightly griping on my bag strap as I pushed through the sea of students. Emma spotted me walking down the hallway on my way to the cafeteria and she hurried towards me.

She bumped my hip causing me to stumble and playfully punch her on the arm. “So how’s Javery?” she asked cheerfully.

“Good.” I answered, smilingly. “How’...” I paused, “Aaremma?” I asked unsure of the new name combination.

Emma rolled her eyes, “Fine but I think we need to work on that nickname.” She teased.

“Yeah, I’m not good at coming up with ship names, that’s your area of expertise.”

If Cupid Had A Heart [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now