Chapter 16

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6 Days before Valentine’s Day.

The bell rang and the crowd of people moved quickly towards the classrooms. I slammed my locker shut and turned to Emma, “I hate Mondays.”

“Me too,” she sighed.

“Avery!” someone called out and I turned to see that it was Dylan. He walked towards us, “Hey, Em. Can I borrow Aves for a second?”

I looked at Emma and she looked at me. My eyes widened as I tried to send her a mental message asking for help, she only shrugged.

“Sure,” Emma replied and walked off.

Dylan turned to me. “Hey,” he breathed. “Look, I’m really sor-“

“Stop,” I interupted. “Don’t bother apologising, it’s fine, really. I kind of over-reacted.”

His eyebrows furrowed, “What? I was expecting you to shout at me and tell me I told you so and that I should be sorry or something,” he laughed.

“Why would I do that? I’m not a drama queen you know.”

“Right...If you say so,” he joked.

I punched his arm, “Hey! Just because I forgave you for not minding your own business doesn’t mean I’m going to tolerate you insulting me!”

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.”

“You should be.”

Dylan shook his head and smiled at Emma who quickly joined us again but this time, Aaron was with her.

“Did you do it?” Aaron asked Dylan who quickly nodded.

“Do what?” Emma and I asked simulataneously.

“He told  me to apologise for being a twat.” Dylan answered.

“You said it, not me.” Emma muttered under her breath and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing at her side-comment.

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

I sat down for lunch, Emma and Aaron were already there.

“Hey,” I greeted. Emma smiled and Aaron gave me a nod.

“Is it okay if I sit here?” Dylan asked gesturing to the seat next to me and I nodded. “Where’s Jason?” He questioned.

“Extra classes,” I sighed sadly.

“He’s never here.” Emma pointed out.

Aaron and Dylan exchanged glances.

“He’s just busy and he wants to pass his AP classes.” I defended.

“Yeah, but I doubt that you would have extra classes and revision everyday.”

I picked at my food and shrugged. Dylan tried to change the subject. “What’s with the roses?” He asked Emma, pointing at the bouquet of red roses next to Emma’s bag, which I failed to notice.

“Aaron officially asked me to go to the dance with him,” she grinned excitedly and Aaron shrugged cooly. “He even got me a card and a cake asking me to go with him and everything!”

“That’s sweet,” I said, leaning forward to get a good look at the bouquet.

“Dude, roses? Too predictable,” Dylan scoffed. “And cake? Bad idea, girls have a thing with calories or whatnot.”

“Like you can do better?” Aaron raised an eyebrow.

Dylan chortled, “I got a few cherleaders to hold up a banner for me and the marching band,” he said smugly.

“Impressive,” I said while Emma and Aaron rolled their eyes, unimpressed.

“How did Jason ask you, Aves? Or has he not asked yet?” Emma inquired curiously.

“Well, he surprised me.” I chuckled. “I woke up the other day because someone was ringing the doorbell at 6AM and I opened the door to see tulips on my doorstep with a card asking me to go to the dance and next to it was a nutella with a sticker saying ‘Yes’ and a sack of mushrooms with ‘No’ written on the sack. It was bizarre!” I laughed. “When he said he was going to surprise me, I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Aww!” Emma squealed.

“Nutella and a sack of mushrooms? Even Aaron’s lame idea beats that.” Dylan said and Aaron kicked him under the table which  made me laugh.

“Yeah, because I like Nutella –I mean who doesn’t, right? And I hate mushrooms so I was obviously going to pick the Nutella.”

“Lame!” Dylan said rolling his eyes.

“I think it’s cute,” Emma sided with me.

“Thank you, Emma for having common sense.”

“That’s not common sense, that’s stupidity.” Dylan argued.

“Your face is stupid,” I retorded.

“Yeah, put a paperbag over that train-wreck you call your face!” Emma insulted, laughing loudly.

“Oh, yeah?” Then Dylan threw a fry at me so I threw one back and we ended up throwing our lunch at each other, Emma and Aaron eventually joined in when a stray piece of chocolate fudge cake hit their faces.

***    ***   ***   ***   ***

I helped Emma with algebra after school in the library and she kept complaining and whining about how she’s never going to need to find out what x and y are. But Itold her that she needs to know to pass her mid-terms and get a good job and not end up as a hobo. But I think it’s the part where I told her that she won’t be able to go shopping if she didn’t have a job and didn’t have money that really shut her up.

“I think Dylan likes you,” Emma said out of the blue while we walked towards her car in the parking lot.

I raised my eyebrows at her, “What?”

She shrugged, and reached for her phone in her pocket. “I think he likes you.”

“Okay, that’s completely random and out of the blue.” I said sceptically.

“It might be, but you know it’s true.”

I scoffed, “You’ve officially lost your marbles.”

She stopped and faced me, “Avery, you are in denial. Dylan likes you and you know it.”

I sighed in defeat, “Fine, I know but so what?”

“So what? The ‘so what is’ that I think you like him, too.”

“I don’t!” I protested. “I have Jason, remember?”

“That’s not the point. The point is, that you like Dylan. Now, I don’t know if you like Dylan more than Jason or Jason more than Dylan. The point is, that you have feelings for both of them.”

“But I’m with Jason. I chose to be with Jason.” I argued. I can’t believe this is happening right now.

“But you’d rather be with Dylan,” she said. It was worded as a question but sounded more like a statement.

“No,” I answered and walked ahead of her towards her car.

Emma unlocked the car door and I climbed into the seat. She sat in the driver’s seat, gripped the steering wheel and turned to me to look me dead in the eyes. “You’re in denial.” Then she started the engine and drove me to my house. Neither of us said a word and I didn’t dare break the silence between us.

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Is she in denial or is Emma being crazy? What do you think?


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