Chapter 6 - Part 1

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24 days before Valentine’s Day.

        “Morning, snoring imbecile.” I greeted with a smile as I walked past Dylan who was stood in front of his locker.

        “Shut up.” He hissed, glaring daggers at Emma and I as we walked past.

        “Nice one!” Aaron chirped up earning him a punch on the arm from Dylan.

        Emma grimaced. “Did he really snore that loudly?” She asked, giving me a sideways glance as she clutched her textbooks close to her chest.

        I wrinkled my nose. “Yeah,” I answered. “It was so loud that we might as well have slept with a giant snoring pig in the room.” I joked.

        Emma tried to suppress a laugh, I could tell. I saw her lips form a thin line, “I never heard it. I can’t believe I slept through that.”

        I chuckled, “I’m surprised that we’re not all deaf!” I felt a sharp jab on my side, “Ow! What the h-“

        “Shush!” Emma shushed me harshly and tried to frantically brush her hair through her fingers. I coughed and raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. Her eyes darted past me and down the student-filled hall.

I never even got to say anything.

        “Hey,” Aaron nodded.

        “Hey,” Emma replied. I just smiled.

Three seconds after Aaron popped out of nowhere like a mushroom; the two were already in deep conversation. The three of us were stood in the middle of the corridor blocking the way, but people didn’t seem to mind. They just walked around us and carried on walking and chattering.

        “That movie was so good! It was so funny! Remember when-“ Emma reminisced.

        “Yeah, and that time when-“ Aaron joined in.

I wasn’t involved in the conversation, like, at all. It wasn’t that I didn’t say anything or at least attempt to try and join in, it’s just I was just completely ignored. Aaron and Emma were immersed in their own little bubble, where they forgot that they were stood in the way of student-traffic in the hall –which I didn’t mind- but, they also forgot my existence and the fact that I was stood there.

        “Okay, I think I’ll get going and go to my lesson. I’ll see you later.” I say, receiving no response from either of them, I decided to try again. “Okay, I’m leaving now.” Still, nothing. “Oh my! I am chocking. Help me.” I say in a monotone, acting was never something I excelled at, unfortunately.

        I shrugged and gave up. “Fine. Goodbye.” I gripped my bag strap tighter and spun on my heel.

I was hoping to make a nice, clean and maybe, dramatic exit and just, I don’t know, disappear into the crowd. But, that only happens in movies. And this is the real world.

        “Sorry!” I exclaimed, walking straight into someone much taller than me. They were so tall that my face actually hit their chest and I had to look up to meet their eyes, smile and apologize .

        “Excuse me.” I pushed through a group of gossiping girls. I heard them say something about how rude I had just been, walking right through the middle of their pathetic little clumps.

I turned back to shout something clever or just put my middle finger up at them but someone stood on my toe.

        “Ow! Watch it!” I screeched. Someone walked into to me and stood on my toe.

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