𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞

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Lexi's POV
"Stop fucking playing with me bitch. Where the fuck is my money?!" Lucas asked with his gun pressed against my temple. I could not respond, think, nor breathe. I was terrified.

Trying to catch my breathe I looked up in his eyes. He looked down at me with much anger. "Fucking breathe!" He spanks the wall right above me. I gasp as he grabbed my arm taking me to the closet where he kept his stash. He shoved me in the closet for me to get his money.

I pretend to search, already knowing they took everything. He got a good grip of my hair and dragged me out the closet. I began screaming to alert the neighbors I was in need for help. He launched his fist towards my face,"Shut the fuck up!"

I couldn't stop crying at this point.
During his attempt to look out the window I got up and ran out the room. It didn't take long til he noticed my absence from the floor. I was at the bottom of the steps when he pulled his gun out his jeans. I turned the corner and ran out the house.

I was screaming for help but there was no one in sight to protect me. The sun was setting. I got quiet and ran behind a house and started running through backyards.

I was only 17 and this shit was happening to me. I should have listened to everyone, they warned me.

He was a sweetheart once. He even said he was going to marry me.

I looked back and didn't see him so I decided to walk. I couldn't stop panting. I was scared and tired. As I cross the street I thought I saw someone and I duck down and hid behind a car. My heart began to pick up its pace.

I sat behind the car for about a minute.
I quietly leaned over to see if there was someone there to help me. I ended up getting my hair yanked, I turn to see Lucas. My first response was to yell. He punched me in the face a couple of times and blurted out curse words.

I cry out for help, praying for someone to save me. Lucas then kicked me in the stomach with his timberland boot and my body dropped weakly.

My breathing slowed. My hands immediately went around my stomach.

My sight began to blur. But I could make out four feet. I heard a male's voice and it wasn't Lucas'. Looking up I see him fighting.

His body dropped...and I past out.

2 Hours later

I woke up and immediately moaned out in pain. "Don't move." I hear a voice from across the room. When I noticed that it was not Lucas' voice everything hit me like a bus. I attempted to sit up but was way too weak to do so.

Tears race down my swelled cheeks. I look around the dark room. I was scared, I had no clue where I was. "Please don't hurt me." was the only thing I could say before I began panicking. "I won't hurt you. I brought you here to help you. " the stranger spoke.

A light was cut on, which triggered a headache. I turn my head, wincing at the pain. My almond eyes adjust to the light and I looked to my right. Walking over was a muscular guy.

He had a couple of tattoos on his face, mainly around his eyes. He looked kinda...mean. I started trembling as he stood over me.

I look away holding my hands up, protecting my face. I was shaking like a stripper. "Don't piss yo self. I'm just trying to get you cleaned up." He spoke softly which felt very comforting. "I'm Jahseh."

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