𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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I put my headphones over my head as I make my way downstairs. "Hold on little man." I hear drawing my attention to Lex who was standing in the kitchen, she was holding baby Jah in her arms. He continued to cry. "I'm moving as fast as I can." She says preparing his bottle.

I walk over to her, "Maybe he wants to be put down." I say walking over taking him from her. I place a kiss on both of their heads and she went on with making his milk.

I place Little Jah in his little rocking seat and strapped him in. He silenced immediately. "Told ya." I say and looked over at Lex before making my way to her. I place a kiss on her lips. "I got to go, I'll be back by eight." I say and head for the hall. "K. Love you babe. Don't forget to call me." She says.


"Okay. We're here." I say. "I can take it off now?" My mom asks reaching for the blind fold. "—No. I'll tell you when."

I get out of the car and shut the door behind me. Walking over to the passenger's side a smile grew on my face for the reaction I was soon going to get. I help her out of the car. "Boy if I fall I'm going to beat your ass." She joked. "I got you." I say pulling her arm leading her up the path.

I put the keys in the door and unlock it. She held her arms out in front of her, making sure she wasn't going to walk into anything. In the center of the room I stand behind her with my hands on her shoulders. "Okay. You can take the blindfold off."

She slowly took it off and looked around to at all the space around us. "Where are we?" She questioned. "Your new house." I say trying not to smile so soon.

"No way." She turns my way and say.

"Yes way. Three level house with five bedrooms, three bathroom, a large kitchen, mini bar, garage, backyard with a pool, plus a deck." I listed as she began wandering the house.

"It's beautiful." She says tearing up. "Thank you." She says and hugged me. "I love you Mama." "I love you too son."

After exploring her new house I take her out to lunch.

"How's everything?" She question. "Everything's pretty good. Lexi actually has little Jah at home now."

"Oh." She says a bit surprised, "That's good that you all are on good terms after all that happened."

"Yeah. I guess God had a plan." I say. My mom smiled. "What is it?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just realizing how much you've changed. And I'm sure there are plenty more blessings to come."


After lunch I spend a few hours in the studio. Then I head home.

Back home I head for my bedroom. I find Lexi standing by the window, looking up at the moonlight, holding the baby as she rocked side to side. The both of them looked beautiful.

I take a long ass shower. When I got out I threw on some boxers and shorts.

Live on Instagram I associate with my fans.

Lexi walked passed and just stood in the background eyeing the phone. "She's so weird." I attempt to whisper. She hit me in the back of my head, "Fuck you."

"When?" I jokingly ask. "Well Jah is sleep so uhhh right now." She says. I turn around, almost forgetting I'm live, "Deadass?"

She silently nod her head. I look at the screen with wide eyes, "ya boy finna get some pussyyyy." I then ended the live and hopped on the bed.

𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now