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Jahseh's pov:

Me: please delete this.

Bloodsucca: sure, only because you said please :)

I read her message and sighed. Why is she like this? I press into her account and refresh. The pic was soon gone. I sigh in relief. But I'm sure everyone has seen it by now.

I know she's crazy but I didn't think she was crazy enough to impregnate herself with my sperm. That shit is crazy.

It's like every time I try to make a situation better, it gets worse instead. My dick isn't always the answer to every problem. Yes, i need to keep my dick in my pants. Lesson well learned.

"Working on an album just for you guys" i post on twitter. It immediately blew up with likes, tweets, retweets, and replies. I press into the reply section to a see a bunch of people commenting.


"Yesss 👀"

"Thank you 😭"

"Just what I needed."

"So we just gon sit here and ignore the fact that he got his ex pr-okay." As soon as I see that I log out. Though it's still a huge chance I am not the father of her baby. Who knows,she may just be trying to fuck with my head. I'll just ignore any negative enerve that comes my way.

If I don't give into it the situation it may just die down a bit.

I step out of the shower and dry off. As I walk into the bathroom I notice Lexi was now home and lying on the bed watching tv but her eyes soon landed on me.

"Damn babe, why you so thick?" I hear her ask. "Stop staring at my ass." I began laughing. "You look like you want competition. What's up? I guess I need to do more squats because you're deadass catching up." She says causing me to laugh out loud. This girl get on my damn nerves.

After I got dressed I lay in bed beside her.

"How are you taking everything? She finally spoke. "Shit's still crazy but I'm over it." I say causing her to nod her head as she played in my dreads. "Guess all we can do is wait." "Anxiously." I add. "This is gonna be a few long months, but we shouldn't stop ourselves from achieving what we had planned."

I nod, "right."


Lex placed a kiss on my lips and pulled away and just look into my eyes. I'd never seen an Asian so beautiful. I'm really grateful that she's still here supporting me.

"I love you." I say causing her to blush. "Love you more." She says while tracing my Cleopatra tattoo with her blue acrylic nails. "I'm grateful to have you in my life. But I'm scared I'm gonna fuck up loose you." I state, causing her eyes to drift to meet mine.

"Just don't do anything you'll regret. And you'll always have me." She says.

The room grew silent. And she laid her head on my chest and soon fell asleep. Today was a lazy day but tomorrow I got to get back to working.


The next day.

As I walk into the room I immediately get a reaction out of Lex. "Baby, your hair looks really good." she says getting up to take a look at my now grey dreads.

She took my burger king bag out of my hand in the process. Smirking she turned around and dig into it annd took out a few fries. "I like this color." She says stuffing her little cheeks.

She was interrupted by her thoughts, "oh yeah, I have a surprise for you!" She gives me the bag back. she quickly wiped her hands off on her pants before walking to the other room. She came back with a snorlax backpack, catching my attention because I have a small obsession.

She walked over and out put it on my back. "Do you like it?" She asks. "Hell yeah." I say looking at it from tbe closet mirrors. "Thanks bae." "You're welcome." She says with a smile.

"How's the album coming?" She questioned. "Everything is moving slowly but well."

"Do you have something I could hear a bit of?"

"Of course."

𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now