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I sat at the end of the bed. Back facing the stranger who took me in. Jahseh was his name.

"What's your name babygirl?" He asks. "Lexi." I spoke softly. "You don't have to be shy. And you don't have to be way over there....I don't bite unless I have to." He spoke clearly. Chills shot up my back. I cross my legs and turn my head to him. I look at him, he sat way back by the headboard. "Just tell me what I need to know..to keep you safe." That sentence had stopped every thought rushing through my head. I look forward before speaking.

"The guy who was beating me up..that's my boyfriend, Lucas. He's a drug lord and today we got robbed. Lucas wasn't home...but I was. I was making my way upstairs when 3 guys broke into the house. They all had taken advantage of me in that house. " my voice started shaking. "I feel so disgusting thinking about it. But Lucas didn't care.. all he wanted was to make sure was that he had his money and his dope. But when he noticed he didn't have any of that he beat me til I passed out. " my throat started hurting as I held back tears. I look back at the stranger, hoping all I told him was enough.

"All you told me made me want to kill this nigga I got in my damn basement." I began to fill up with anger. "He's here??" I question. "Yeah. I got this nigga strapped to a mother fucking chair." Filled with shock I ask if I could see him and he went to the basement.

Jahseh cuts the light on. Exposing unconscious Lucas. His face was bruised. Looking at him made me feel bad seeing him this way but at the same time he put me through this bullshit.

I stare at him for a few seconds before slapping him as hard as I could. "Wake up!" I yell slapping him once again. He woke up groaning in pain. "What tha fuck?"  Was the first thing out of his fucking mouth.

"Babe, what are you doing," he peeped his surroundings," where are we?"  "I'm somewhere safe.....& you're about to be on your way to hell." I say. "What?" He says and glares at Jahseh. "Fuck are you doing with my girl?" Lucas had the audacity! "Your girl?" I chuckle. "Are you that slow? I'm not your girl anymore, you just beat the fuck out of me. I fucking hate you!" I say loudly.

"I got guns, blades. What you need?" Jahseh interrupt me. I look at him as if he's joking. When I tell you, this man goes to a corner of the room and steps out of the shadows with a Draco, I almost lost my shit.

I honestly wonder what he does for living.

Lucas started yapping about random shit and apologizing like a lil bitch. Jahseh starts preparing the gun very quickly. "Wait. We're not gonna use it on him. " I hold my hand out trying to stop him.

"Why not?"

"Because he'd die and we'd go to jail for murder. " I answer his dumb ass question.

He put the gun on the floor. "Just get your hits in and I guess we'll let him go."

I nod my head and started punching Lucas in his face and then punched him in-between his legs. He groaned out in pain and glared at me with a devilish look. I backed up and grabbed Jahseh's hand nervously. Lucas observed my body language. It was obvious that I was running to someone else with my problems.

I let go of his hand and cleared my throat. "I'm done." I look down. "Imma let you go but if you bother her I swear to fucking god I will fucking kill you and rub your fucking blood on my face. Jahseh yells in Lucas face. "Alright? 'Cause I will fuck you up in these streets!"

"Alright, damn." Lucas sucked his teeth. He then was forced upstairs and shoved outside. We watch him as he fix his jacket and walk away.

I know deep down Lucas appreciated Jahseh for not turning him in. Lucas' judge said he'd keep him locked up if there is anymore charges pressed against him.

Comment for an update 🥀

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