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I walk in the house. I shut and lock the door behind me. Jahseh was no where in sight. Taking my time going upstairs I could hear talking from the bedroom. I put my ear to the door to make out who it was.

It was Ski, he was talking to Jah, giving him relationship advice. I back away like I wasn't just eavesdropping and knock on the door. Silence was now throughout the house.

It took 10 seconds for someone to finally open the door. Ski was the one who answered it. He hugged me and low key whispered in my ear, "I just talked some since in him, hopefully he don't fuck up anymore."he says and walked out the room. "I got to go back to New York. But call me after y'all talk."

"Alright. Love you Ski." I say before making my way in the room. Jahseh was sitting on the bed, leaning down with his head in his hands. I sit on the other end of the bed, facing the wall.

We sat in silence until he asked me to look at him. "Look at me." He says. But I refused, because I couldn't bare to see the pain in his eyes. Nor did I want him to see the pain in mine.

"Please, Alexis." He says. I don't even remember the last time he's called me by my actual name.

I look his way, exposing the tears on my face. Before giving him the chance I spoke, "I'm sorry. But I don't wanna do this anymore."

I got up from the bed to walk out, "I can find my own place and support and love myself. I'm sorry that I'm not enough." I say heading to the door.

That irritated and upset him, he snapped. "I'm fucking sorry!" He grabbed my arm, looking down at me. He loosened his grip once he noticed he was too tight on my arm. He changed the tone in his voice, "I don't know what I was thinking. Okay. Me and her had something special, like I loved that girl how I loved you; With my whole heart. And I don't care or love anyone like I love you...I guess being around her makes me miss what her and I had. Yes, we decided to have drinks, and that of course made my thoughts grow more desperate. And I risked my relationship. That's why I'm fucked up in the head."

He says tapping his two fingers on his temple. "Because I knew what would have happened. Ain't I didn't fight my urges. You have every reason to be mad at me. But I would do anything to go back and erase it."

My vision was blurry because my eyes were full of tears. I blink and my tears finally stream down my cheeks. He used his thumbs to wipe them away.

"I don't like seeing you cry. And it hurts me even more because I'm the reason why."

He knows how much he means to me just as much as he I know how much I mean to him. Our love is strong. I really don't wanna throw it all away.

"I don't wanna keep getting hurt."

"I know, I'm sorry." He says leaning in and placed a kiss on my lips. I didn't reject it. He looked me in my eyes, "I don't want anyone but you."

"Then show me if you mean it." He pulled me in a hug. We eventually made up. Talked for awhile and he occasionally apologized. He said he was scared. Because I'm all he has. But he has his son.


"Where were you? Jasmine said you weren't with her."

"Yeah, I been at Lucas'."

He nod in acceptance.

𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now