𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭

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3 months later

My phone vibrated against the table. I pick it up and stare at it. There's was a message from a unknown number.

Lexi looked at me, "what is it Jah?"

"I think Geneva's in labor." I state. The room was quiet for a few seconds. "Go." She says breaking the silence. I look at her. "Go." She reiterate with a smile. I got up and toss a shirt on and put on my shoes. After I put my hoodie on I walk over to her side of the bed and give her a kiss. "I'll be back."

I grab my keys and make my way to the car. I try to take my time but couldn't help but rush.


I walk up the the front desk.

"Geneva Ayala." I say. The lady began dragging the pen down the list, "rooooom....206." He says. I go walking down the hall.

( I hope thats her name 💀)

I walk down the hall and stop at 206. Stepping in the room I see Geneva lying in the hospital bed. Her stomach was huge. This really is happening.

"You made it." She says with a smile that soon faded because of her contraction. I stood by the door.

"She's ready." The nurse says smiling my way.

2 more nurses enter the room. I walk over and sit in the chair by her hospital bed.

It's been 10 minutes and Geneva still haven't gave birth. I don't know how long this will take.

"Push." They tell her. "I can't." She cried. "Yes, you can. You're almost there. You're doing good." The doctor says. "Come on, push." I say getting involved. "I can't." She says shaking her head, "I'm sorry."

"We might have to do an emergency c-section." The doctor announce.

"Come on, keep trying. I don't think you need a c-section" I speak for the first time. She looked at me as she tried catching her breathe. As she gave pushing another try she groaned out in pain. Her hands were trembling as she grab hold to the rail. She shook her head.

She didn't want to push anymore. My kid could die at this point.

"Come on." I say holding my hand out for her to grab. After a few seconds she grabs it and squeeze it as hard as she could as she cried out in pain. She laid her head back panting. Next thing I knew I heard a baby's cry. Drawing our attention.

"Let me see my baby." She says impatient. The doctor hands over the naked baby. I notice he was a boy. I have a son.


They cleaned him up and place him in the nursery. He fell right to sleep. It was just us in the room.

Geneva broke the silence, "I'm sorry for everything these last 2 years." She says causing me to look over. "I've been the biggest asshole to you. But the last few months I realized that I went overboard. And that I got pregnant like that.. is fucked up. I really did it so you'd stay in my life. But getting pregnant for that reason is really stupid. But I've changed, I've realized that this isn't a game, I'm actually a mother. I will leave you alone. And if you don't want him to be in your life I understand. I just want you to know that I was wrong." She says.

"You deadass?" I question. "Yes, I'm speaking from the heart."

"I trust you."


2 days later

Jahseh told me the night of the baby's birth that Geneva had apologized for everything. He forgave her somehow. Apparently they've talked everything out and are now on good terms.

Today the baby is healthy enough to leave the hospital so Jahseh decides to bring him over while Geneva was still on bed rest from giving birth.

My phone rings. I look down and see I was getting a call from "Bae🖤". I hurry up and answer. "Hello." "I'm outside, open the door." He says

Running downstairs I see Jah walking up to the door with the car seat in hand. I open the door excited. Once he was in the house I immediately follow him to the couch where he sat the car seat. He took the newborn baby out revealing his adorable size body. I admire as he held and look down at him.

"Want to hold him?" He asks. "yeah." I say. He turned my way as I held my hands out. As he place him in my arms I feel his light weight. Admiring his face showed he carried some of Jah's features which caused me to tear up. I look over at Jah, "He's beautiful."

"This is hard on me," I admit, "I'm happy but I was really looking forward to having your first child."

He pulled me into a hug, careful of the baby. "We still can have a kid, he doesn't stop our plans." He says and place a kiss on my forehead causing me to feel better.

"What's his name?"


A smile then join my face.

"No way." I say before looking down at him in my arms, "Little Jahjah."


"This lil Nigga finna be bad as fuck." Ski says looking over Jah's shoulder at baby Jah.

I post a pic on Instagram with the caption:

"Why they look like two dad? 😂"

I had to turn my comments off because some people do t know how to chill out.

I look over at Lexi and watch her holding baby Jahseh in her arms.

"He's been sleep for 30 minutes now, you can lay him down." I say. "I don't want to, I wanna stay just like this." She says.

I'm glad she's alright with everything. She loves him just as much as I love him. It's not her kid and she cares for him like he's her own.

It makes me feel better about this situation.

The next day

"I don't think she would want to see me. I did try to kill her." I say. "Just stand by the window and watch." He says opening the door. Walking outside he carried the car seat to her car.

Geneva noticed me. Surprisingly waved. I shyly wave back. It's crazy how we're moving on in our lives after all the crazy shit happened not long ago.

If I made any mistakes let me know! Also leave comments! ❤️❤️

𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now