𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮

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"You guys like that?" I ask nodding my head as the beat played in the background. people began flooding the live with positive thoughts. A smile joined my face, "I'm glad you guys like it." I say. "I got to get back to working, I just wanted to go live and let you guys know I love you all."

After receiving several hearts I smile and say goodbye before ending the live. I place my phone down on the table then take a big full of alcohol that was in my cup. A few minutes later my screen lights up.

"Lexi💍💛 wants to FaceTime..."

I pick up my phone and swipe over, answering the call. Her beautiful face immediately appeared. "What's up babe?" I say. "Nothing much. You know I'm bored without you." She says.

"I hope you aren't working yourself too hard. You look like you've been drinking. " she says. I shook my head, "I'm not."

"Jah, I know how you look when you drink." She says. I then hiccuped, ruining me trying to play it off. "Fuck, you caught me." I laugh a bit. She laughs as well.

"Just don't let it become a habit."

"I won't." I say pulling my dreads out of my face. My producer walked into the room. "Alright. I'll call you later." She says. "Love you."

"Love you too."

I go back in the booth.

Lexi's pov:

I slid on my slides and grabbed a sweater. Putting it on I make my way downstairs and grab the keys. I walk outside and hop in the car.

At the nearest 7- Eleven I park the car. Walking in I say hello to the cashiers. I walk to the back of the store and grab a sprite out of the fridge. Turning around I lay eyes on someone very familiar. Lucas.

And for some reason I felt a bit happy seeing his face. Which was odd. I kinda got the feeling you get when you miss someone and finally see them. But I never felt like I missed him until now.

But that didn't lasting because I start to get upset when I remember the last time I seen him he was in a relationship with Geneva.

Without words I turn the opposite direction. "So you not 'gon speak? I know you miss me." He says calmly grabbing my arm.

"Get off me Lucas." I say pushing away from him. I walked around to find my favorite snacks. Once I do I place them on the counter. The chashier began ringing up my items.

"5.47" she says. I began reaching into my sweater pockets to get my money. Trying to rush out of the store I give her a 10 dollar bill, "keep the change. I hope you have a good night. " I smile grabbing my bag. Right after I leave Lucas left out too.

I unlock the car and open the door. As I sit in the car he approached me. "Just let me talk to you for a minute. " he says catching the door. "What? What could you possibly have to say to me?" I ask with a bit of frustration in my voice.

"Get out the car so I can see you " he says. I put my little bag in the passenger seat and got out of the car. "What do you want to say to me" I ask looking up at him.

"I just want you to know I'm a changed person since the last time you saw me. I'm not fucking around in the game no more. Or messing around with these females. 'Cause I look back at how bad I treated you and I regret everything. It messed me up. Especially knowing how bad I hurt you that day. I got baptized and been praying for months now. I just want you to know that I'm truly sorry." He says.

"I dont ever think I'll ever forgive you." I began. "Ever....because I loved you. More than anything. I love you so much because you were there for me when I was going through problems with my family and you were the person I could rely on when it came to getting away from those situations. But I will never forget that day. I was raped snd beaten by those guys. And what messed me up even more was that you had came home and made me feel even less of a person. Did you know I wanted to kill myself after that?" I began tearing up.

I draw my attention to the cars that were driving by so I wouldn't get to the point where I was actually crying. When I look back at him I just shook my head at the bad memories. "I just dont think I will ever get over that. But I got over hating you awhile ago."

He listened to me the whole time. Like he used to do when I'd talk to him. "I still love you but just not that way. But I'm still happy you've changed." I say.

He nod his head. I was kind of under alot of stress and really needed a hug. So I asked Lucas for a hug. And it was comforting. It wasn't anything serious though.

This conversation should've taken place a while ago because it was needed.


I sat on the bed watching my favorate show come to an end. I finish my thing of cookies and get up and throw my trash away. After I wash my hands, I brush my teeth then lay in bed. Thinking about how long Jah' s been out working on his music. He's a hard worker.

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