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I heard knocks on the window. I refuse to open my eyes, to quickly fall back to sleep. "Shorty." I hear in a very familiar voice. My eyes were now open. Glaring up at the window I could make out the familiar face.

It was Lucas. I sit up looking at him, wondering how I ran into him again. I check my surroundings. I had fell asleep in the backseat. I was parked in his driveway. Then it all hit me.

I sat up and held my palm against my forehead as I scrunched my face up, in pain. I had a really bad headache. "I'm sorry, –I just didn't know where to go. But I should go home." I say.

"Nah, it's cool. You should come in first. You aren't fully awake yet. I think you should wait to get on the road." He suggests.

I open the car door to get out of the backseat. He shut the door for me as I rub my eyes, trying to really wake up. We walked up to the door. He opened it and made his way inside.

I hesitantly enter the house as those scary memories join my head. "Come on." He says holding his hand out, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"How do I know if I could trust you?"

"I swore I wasn't going to put my hands on anyone ever again." Just from the look in his eyes I knew he was serious. I could trust him.

He walked me to the kitchen. I look around as he opened the fridge. He's changed the house around so much. A lot of furniture was replaced. I sat on the stool. He approached me with a cold glass of water and a Tylenol bottle.

While I was in the bathroom washing my face, he made breakfast. Pancakes, bacon and eggs.

During breakfast I told him about my night. "Damn." He'd respond to the answer he would get. He was asking a lot of questions. "I mean the bitch deserved it. And that girl is also fucked up for not having your back."

"Right, I still can't believe it though." Our conversation died down. But I had a question that stayed in my head.

"Is it okay if I stay here for a while?"
"...Yeah, I guess." He says. I check the time on my phone. "Shit. I have to get some stuff now while Jahseh's not home." I say getting up from the seat. "I'll be back! Thanks you for breakfast."


Jahseh's POV:

I scroll through my contact list and find the name I was looking. I press the call button and the phone began ringing. "Hello?" Jasmine says at the end of the line. "Is Alexis over there? I just seen a vi—" I question. "No, she's not here. She left last night."

"Well I left out earlier and I guess she came by. Some of her clothes and toothbrush is gone. If you find out where she is can you let me know."

"Yeah. Whatever." She said before hanging up.

I don't know where Lex is. I am worried, I don't know where she is. She said she will come back. But will she?


Lexi's pov:

I unpack my bag and open the closet, looking for somewhere to put my few outfits. I look up at this one shelf, seeing clothes neatly folded.

"Why didn't you tell me you still had some of my old clothes?" I question looking Lucas' way. He was brushing his hair.

He continued looking in the mirror, "I couldn't throw them out. But I ain't say nothing because I didn't want it to seem weird that I still have em." He says and finally look at me.

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