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I was holding Jahseh's hand as we walk in the house. We're coming from the park. We've been doing this for 3 weeks. We would go to the park and just relax for like an hour, talking about anything that came to mind.

He would tell me how beautiful I was and I'd get emotional because nobody's ever talked about me or look at me the way he does. He's honestly the only thing that keeps me happy. As we walk upstairs I say "fuck."

"What babe?"

"I left my phone at the park. " I say. "You want me to go get it?" He offer. "No, I got it. " I say. "Alright, I see you when you get back." He says.

"Okay." I say. The sun was going down. I walk out the house and hopped right in the car. When I get there I checked every place we were earlier. I saw a phone on the bench. I picked it up and turned it over. The case was a pic of me and Jahseh. Yep, this was my phone. I smile as I admire the picture.

As I started walking away I felt a grip on my hair, I was yanked back. I fell on the ground. "Ouch, Jahseh you're playing too much." I say with frustration. I look up and it was a Geneva and I guess her thot ass friends.

I get up and fix my hair and ignore them. "I'm gonna just take my ass home." I start walking away until I was attacked by these rat ass bitches.

They laugh as they push me to the ground and start stomping on my back. I groan out in pain. I reach for my phone but I was too far away. Someone kicked me in my side causing me to roll over.

Geneva got on top of me, trying to choke me out. I was grabbing at her wrists trying to pull her off of me. Her friends had held my hands so I couldn't protect myself anymore. "You stole my man from me, now I'm gonna steal your life!" She choked me even more.

I was going unconscious until I heard a voice.

"Hey!" Someone shouted.

Geneva got up and ran. Her friends ran as well.

I grabbed my phone and called Jahseh. When he answered I couldn't stop crying. "What?! Babe what happened?!" He ask through the phone.

I immediately hung up and got in the car. I'm tired of running to him with my problems, so I'm going to handle this one on my own.

I got in the car and started speeding to the house. I bust in the front door. Walking right past Jahseh. "What happened?" He asks. I ran upstairs and got the shoebox from under the bed. I opened it and take out the gun.

I began filling it with bullets. As I start walking to the door Jahseh wouldn't let me leave the room. "Don't. " he says standing in my way.

"Jahseh please move." My voice crack. "No, give me the gun." he says. I try shoving past him but he pulled me into his arms. I started sobbing in his chest as he slowly removed the gun from my hand. "We'll file a police report. I don't want you to go to jail for killing anybody....Even though I want her to dead as much as you do."

𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚Where stories live. Discover now