Nagisa Hazuki ~ Warm Nights

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Lmao hi.


Summer was by far your favourite season, because it meant sleepovers with your best friend and wearing nothing but crop tops and shorts - maybe even a pair of Nagisa's boxers.

None of this ever seemed awkward to either you or Nagisa, as the two of you had been best friends since birth, and you always did crazy things together. Your mothers even used to bathe you together and even then you were too young to know what was going on.

But, growing up, the two of you learnt new things together, and even then bathing together when you were younger didn't seem awkward, and that was when you knew Nagisa was a keeper for life.


"Nagisa, it's too hot~!" You whined, sprawled out across the whole of Nagisa's bed wearing - naturally - a crop top and a pair of the boy's boxers, while he was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed watching TV.

You rolled your head to the side and looked at the clock next to you.


Groaning, you sat up and shuffled over to the foot of the bed, hanging your head over the bed to look at Nagisa.

"Hey, did you hear me? I said it's too hot!" You pouted and Nagisa chuckled.

He was quite happy in his t-shirt and shorts, but since you were whining like a child, he did have something for the two of you to do.

Standing up, Nagisa walked over to the window and opened it wider, you looking at him with a confused look on your face.

"What are you doing?" You asked, and Nagisa stopped to turn around and grab your hand, pulling you off the bed and over to the window.

"Follow me," he said, climbing out of the window and making his way up to the roof, you watching him in shock.

"Nagisa, are we allowed to do this?" You whispered, following the boy up the ladder he had - very dangerously - balanced on the utility room roof and the outside wall of his bedroom and up to the roof of his house, sitting down next to him.

"Sure we are, I do this all the time when I just need some fresh air or time to myself!" Nagisa replied, and you soon loosened up, laying down on the rough brick behind you and staring up into the sky.

Letting out a huge sigh of relief, you smiled. "This is much better than staying cramped up in your room all the time, Nagisa."

Laying down next to you, Nagisa laughed. "My roof appreciates the sentiment, Y/N."

The two of you just laid there for quite some time, talking and laughing and pointing out the stars and bright shining moon.

At some point during your time on the rood, Nagisa interlaced his fingers with yours, the feeling being just like all the other times he had held your hand - nothing but platonic.

It was just a friendly gesture, and both of you knew it. But Nagisa's hands were surprisingly cool for a warm night.


I can imagine Nagisa having really warm hands even in winter and cold hands during summer. Unlike me who has cold hands 24/7.

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