Rin Matsuoka ~ Dense

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Thank you for this beautifully detailed request TeruBozu_ame I'm really looking forward to writing this!

Just a quick heads up before I start, this one-shot does have a few trigger warnings for mentions of depression and suicide, so if you feel uncomfortable with reading that sort of thing then I suggest you don't read this one-shot.

Also, just pretend you and Rin go to the same school aswell thaaanks!

Oh, and R/N stands for Rival's Name - so basically a bitch you hate.


You had never been very good with words, not at all.

As soon as you discovered your crush on your best friend, Rin, you knew you would never be able to tell him, which you were ok with for some time.

But it's always the worst feeling in the world when someone else swoops in and steals the one person you love the most right out of your hands.

And it was at times like those when you really wished you had the courage to speak up for yourself.


"What lesson do you have next, Rin?" You asked, peeking over his arm at his timetable, seeing he had maths while you had science.

"Maths," he answered, sounding quite happy.

You looked up at his face to see he was smiling, and you raised an eyebrow jokingly.

"What's up with that face?" You asked, and Rin looked down at you, frowning.

"What do you mean? I was born with this face!" He exclaimed, and you burst out laughing.

"No, that's not what I meant you idiot!" You laughed. "I meant what's up with that smile? You hate maths."

A slow smile crept up onto Rin's face, one that made your eyes sparkle and heart beat faster.

"I haven't told you, have I?" He asked, and you shook your head. "There's a girl I have a crush on in my maths class. She sits right next to me and I was gonna ask her out today..."

Rin's voice seemed to fizzle out of your earshot, and the only things you could hear were your own heavy breathing, loud footsteps around you, and the sound of your heart and the walls around your mind crumbling down around you.

Still, you managed to fake a smile just for your best friend and crush, and nodded along with what he was saying.

"Well," Rin concluded, stopping in front of his maths classroom, you stopping alongside him. "Wish me luck!"

You watched him walk into the classroom, greeting the girl he was talking about.

She was so pretty, most definitely one of the popular girls. If those were the types of girls Rin was aiming for, then you didn't stand a chance with him. He wouldn't even bat an eye at someone like you.

Blinking back your tears, you turned on your heel, holding your books close to your chest as you headed stiffly to science.


"Y/N!" Rin called out, picking you up in a giant hug and spinning you round in the air.

You would've savoured the moment if you didn't feel so sick.

Still, yet again, you faked a smile and even let out a fake giggle.

"How did it go?" You asked, sounding hopeful for the wrong reason.

"She said yes!" Rin exclaimed, and you shouldn't have expected any other answer than a yes from whatever her name was.

"I'm so happy for you!" Lies. Someone should give you an Oscar for your performance right now.

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