Rei Ryugazaki ~ Rant

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Milhouse grew up looking fine.

Requested by orcawhale_rider so I hope you enjoy!


Things always seemed to go wrong when you were on your period.

Whenever you weren't in the middle of your menstrual cycle, your life ran pretty smoothly - well, smoother than when you were in the middle of your menstrual cycle - but your life had to pick the worst time of the month to make shit blow up in your face.

And Rei, being the kind and supportive boyfriend he was, would always listen to your rants, and would always have your favourite Disney movie on pause, waiting for when you got home from school - whether it be before or after him - and the two of you would sit down on the couch, you  ranting your head off while Rei would actually listen to you.


"And then that bitch had the nerve to go around to my friends and..." You continued your rant as Rei nodded and hummed in agreement to your argument, occasionally reaching over to tuck a piece of stray hair behind your ear or trace patterns on your cheek, because by God, you looked pissed.

"I just can't believe she would do that, you know?" You concluded, and Rei nodded, tightening his grip around your waist. "And she had to pick the worst day to piss me off."

"Yeah, she's horrible," Rei answered. "You're better off without her, ok?"

You nodded with a sigh, snuggling your face into the crook of Rei's neck as he kissed your temple, rubbing the side of your leg that was slanted across his lap before reaching over to grab the TV remote.

"Why don't we watch (favourite Disney movie), ok?" He suggested, and you scooted off of his lap and onto the couch next to him, and you were about to get comfortable when you both noticed a patch of blood on Rei's jeans.

Sighing, you got up from the couch and headed to the bathroom.

"I'll go change," you muttered behind you, and Rei chuckled softly before going to change his jeans.


Out of all the characters in Free! I think Nagisa and Nitori would have the best thighs because their breaststroke game is strong, y'know?

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