Rin Matsuoka ~ First Sight

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My first request, yay! Requested by glace7 so I hope you enjoy!

Also, you're Haru's little sister, which should be fun.


Rin had never really believed in love at first sight, he thought the whole idea of falling in love with someone without knowing if they were a complete asshole or not was kind of stupid, but that kind of fell under judging someone by how they look.

And besides, Rin never really had time for love, let alone actually taking the time to get to know someone personally, but Sosuke always kept telling him that if he loved someone, he should make time for them. And Rin always intended to live by that, he just hadn't found the person who he thought was right for him yet.


"Haruka!" You called out, stopping at the door leading to the Samezuke swimming pool to catch your breath.

"Y/N?" Makoto exclaimed, and you gave him a tired sort of smile before marching straight up to Haru.

"Y/N, I thought I told you to stop calling me that," Haru sighed, looking elsewhere but at the smaller you in front of him.

"Yeah, nevermind that," you grunted, jumping up and down in front of him to try and catch his attention.

You reached Haru's chest in height, just about the same height as Nagisa, and you were a second-year too, not to mention Haru's little sister.

"You left your goggles at home, you idiot," you scolded, and Haru looked down at you, taking the goggles out of your hands and securing them around his neck.

Placing your hands on your lips, you smiled with your eyes closed. "Ahh, now that that's done, I can actually enjoy the rest of my evening. You need anything just hit me up, Haruka."

And with that, you were gone, not paying any mind to Haru calling after you to stop calling him that.

Rin on the other hand was staring at the door from where you had just entered and left, looking kind of bewildered.

"You alright there, captain?" Ai asked, standing next to Rin.

"I...uh..." Rin fumbled over his words, and Rei sauntered over to him, resting his elbow on the older boy's shoulder and sighing wistfully.

"Nitori, I think your captain here is in love," Rei teased, tapping Rin on the chest twice, and watching as Rin's face exploded red.

"W-what? Th-that's completely preposterous!" Rin stuttered, interally cursing himself for his slip up when he saw Haru raise an eyebrow and make his way over to the shark-like male.

"You like my little sister?" He asked, more in shock than anger. Shock because he thought Rin had no heart nor proper emotions.

"You're not mad?" Rin asked, making his crush even more known.

"Nah, dude, just don't mess around with her or you'll have me to deal with," Haru answered, and Rin chuckled.

"You don't have to worru about that, Haru; I'm a very genuine man," he replied, and this time it was Sosuke's turn to chuckle.

"This guy's more of a hypocrite than a genuine man," he teased, a smile on his face. "He said he doesn't believe in love at first sight, but here he is falling for none other than Nanase's little sister."

At that point, everyone had expected Rin to blush like mad, but he just smiled, chuckling a bit like he always did.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, right?"



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