Nagisa Hazuki ~ Childhood Dream

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My angst bestie glace7 and I are such sadists for angst, I'm not even lying. I can't believe I'm writing angst for my baby Nagisa but here we go! Thanks for requesting bee! ^^

Also writing this in third-person because of some pretty obvious reasons you'll discover throughout the one-shot.


Take one look at Nagisa and anyone would think he was sweet and bubbly, that the smiles he wore were genuine.

Now take another look after I tell you they weren't.

His smiles were a lie, a facade, to cover up the real truth of his past, and his best friend.

It was tragic, really, but a sad sad lie nonetheless.

He had a best friend - had. Someone before Rei appeared, long before Rei appeared.

He promised her when they were just six that, when they grew up, he would make her the happiest woman alive, and marry her so they could fulfill that dream of living happily ever after.

Nagisa had it all planned out; it would be like a scene from a Disney movie: he would be the prince, and she would be the princess.

It would've been perfect, if only that storm hadn't have rolled in.

Around four years later, their parents told them not to go out too deep, and that they would be back in a few minutes - needing to grab some towels and picnic blankets.

Nobody could blame them, really. After all, they did stay close to the shore.

But the storm mentioned before swept in, and while Nagisa was able to escape the deadly current, she was left on her own out in the cold sea, nobody in sight to see her or help her.

Nagisa thought about going back out after her, but his body had barely developed enough for him to save someone from drowning, so he called out to her, telling her to keep treading water, and that he would go get help.

And he ran, ran as fast as his little legs would take him. He ran into a fisherman who looked like a nice man, and desperately told him about the situation.

He rushed with Nagisa back to the sea, but when they returned, her body could no longer be see on the surface.

Tears blurred Nagisa's wide eyes as the fisherman went out to retrieve her body, and those tears started to stream down his red cheeks when he pulled her out, her face a murky pale colour, dead and lifeless.

the fisherman listened for her heartbeat, her pulse, anything that could symbol she was alive, but alas...



Using 'her' and 'she' instead of 'Y/N' in angst really makes me want to kms :")

It adds onto the emotion of the angst I think, haha.

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