Rin Matsuoka ~ Soul Eater

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goshhiki thanks for the help in choosing a character for this one-shot! ^^

Soul Eater au where you are a Meister and Rin is your trusty Weapon! I'm lowkey using the scene where Soul, Maka, Blackstar and Tsubaki are fighting Stein for the first time and if you don't know what I'm talking about then watch Soul Eater. 51 episodes of complete and utter amazing character development and flawless fight scenes. Just don't watch Soul Eater NOT! That show is literal cancer.


"Rin, now!" You called out to your weapon partner, and at that moment, he transformed from a person to a weapon - a sword to be exact.

"Are you sure we can do this?" Rin asked from in his weapon form. "Our opponent is pretty strong."

Eyeing your opponent, you growled softly and gripped onto the handle of your sword tighter, readying yourself into a fighting stance.

"What other choice do we have?" You asked, looking down at the sword, and seeing Rin's reflection shining on its blade.

He had a look of worry plastered on his face, and it pained you to look at him for too long, otherwise you would start to feel guilt, which you could never deal with properly in the first place.

You looked away from Rin, and he seemed to understand what you were feeling. After all, your souls were intertwined with eachother's.

"Ok," Rin said with a chuckle. "I understand, let's do this."

You let a smile cross your face as you took a deep breath, digging your foot in the dirt for a better grip.

"Let's go, soul resonance!" The two of you yelled at the same time, and you could feel the coil in your stomach that meant your souls were becoming one.

It was a funny feeling, one that you couldn't really describe, but you knew Rin could feel it too. He was surprisingly quiet whenever the two of you went into soul resonance, and it gave you a chance to think for a second.

You were able to analyse the target, familiarise yourself with his attack patterns, like an assassin. You knew you had everything you needed to win this battle, now to put it into action.

"Witch hunter!" You yelled, and Rin's weapon form sprouted into a longer, more defined sword - with three identical spears, two poking out of the sides of the blade, long enough to cut straight through even the strongest kishin.

You bolted towards the enemy, but Rin noticed something wrong. The enemy wasn't moving, or even trying to dodge your attacks, when he had originally suspected him to fight back.

No...this wasn't right.

Rin looked down at the stance of the enemy, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Y/N, stop, he's not using the same attack pattern as before! He's going to dodge at the last second then attack us from behind!" Rin yelled out in warning, but it was already too late.

"Huh?" You asked in horror, realising as you watched the enemy jump over you, seeing the evil smile on his face and the dagger hidden under his kimono, that you were screwed.

You skidded to a stop, going to turn around when you felt something sharp impale you from behind, the pain not surrounding your body until you saw the weapon poking out from your chest, blood dripping from its tip and onto the dusty floor below you.

You couldn't scream, your body wouldn't let you.

All you could do was fall to your knees and watch as the dagger was slowly removed from your chest, feeling it slide painfully out of your back and onto the floor, the clanging sound of it hitting the floor ringing in your ears.

You seemed to fall in slow motion, your body hitting the floor louder than you thought it would. Were you done? You didn't know; all you did know was that the pain was agonising, almost to the point where you couldn't breathe.

"Y/N!" Rin called out, transforming out of his weapon form back into his human form.

He kneeled down beside you, his face filled with worry and eyes wide with fear as he turned your body around carefully, so you were laying on your back, looking up at him with ill eyes and a blurry vision making it even harder for you to see him.

"Y/N? Y/N, speak to me! You're ok, you're going to be ok," Rin promised, standing up and turning round to face the enemy, who still had that ugly smile on his face.

Rin growled loudly, sticking his arms out beside him as if to shield you from all the chaos happening in front of him.

"You can hurt me all you like, I don't care!" He yelled. "But I won't let you hurt my meister! I'll fight with everything I've got to protect her, and if I die today, I'll die knowing that I fought to the bitter end to protect the one person I love the most in this world!" ((If only Soul said this to Maka in the anime, you know?))

You smiled knowing that that was how Rin truly felt, and you staggered to your feet, placing a hand on Rin's shoulder.

"Rin," you croaked, your hand sliding down his back as your feet gave way, and you fell to the floor again, Rin turning around in time to catch you before you fell, laying you on the floor delicately.

The wound looked bad, and he had to stop himself from looking at it too much, as he knew he would cry just looking at it.

"I'm...I'm sorry!" He cried, closing his eyes so you wouldn't see the tears blinding him. "I couldn't protect you well enough, couldn't warn you quick enough! There were so many things I could've done differently that would ensure your safety, and maybe...maybe you wouldn't be like this! About to die at the hands of me! I'm..."

"Rin..." You cut him off weakly, placing a cold hand on his cheek, causing him to open his eyes and let his tears fall onto your pale cheeks. "April fools!"

You suddenly got up off of the ground, dusting your hands and uniform off before placing your hands on your hips and smiling down at Rin.

"Eh?" He asked, his body frozen to the ground as the enemy removed his mask, revealing Sosuke.

"You done got pranked, boy!" You laughed, and Rin slowly got up from the floor, watching as Haru, Makoto, Nagisa and Rei emerged from inside the building to greet the two. Even Momo and Ai were with them!

"You...this was all a prank?!" Rin shrieked, and you nodded proudly.

"All planned by yours truly!" You exclaimed, and Sosuke draped an arm over your shoulder, pulling you close and ruffling your hair playfully. ((I wrote raped instead of draped the first time, k i l l  me.))

"Hey, don't forget that we helped!" Rei added, and you stuck your tongue out playfully at the blue-haired boy.

"You were in on this?!" Rin shrieked, even more high-pitched than before, and you giggled.

"This definitely beats your prank from last year, doesn't it?" You teased, and Rin stared at you, speechless.

"But it was worth it for the look on his face!" Nagisa burst out into fits of laughter, so many that his Meister, Rei himself, had to calm him down.

"You're evil, you know," Rin said, and you winked.

"I am known to be the clever, manipulative type, but I thought you would know that already, being my partner for ten years and all," you teased, and Rin glared at you.

"I am so gonna get you next year."


God, I love Soul Eater.

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