Sosuke Yamazaki ~ Weddings

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I thought this would be cute, don't judge me xD


"Sorry for dragging you all the way out here," you sigh, climbing into bed next to you boyfriend, Sosuke.

"Don't worry about it, it's nice to get out every once in a while," Sosuke smiled, opening his arm out for you, and you immediately crawled into the space, resting your head on his - very built - chest as he draped his arm over your shoulders.

"Yeah, but coming all the way to (home country) is a bit too much, don't you think? How's your (first language)?" You asked worriedly, looking up at Sosuke, who just chuckled while rubbing your arm reassuringly.

"My (first language) is fine, Y/N," he answered. "I'm smarter than you think, you know."

"Yeah," you agreed hesitantly. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just overthinking things. Tomorrow will be great, I'm sure of it."

"Of course it will, no need to worry," Sosuke insisted, kissing your forehead. "Now try to get some sleep, ok?"

Without even having to answer, you were already drifting off to sleep, granted with the warmth and security of your boyfriend's tight embrace - it was pretty much perfect.


"Sosuke, can you zip me up please?" You asked sweetly, fiddling with your earrings until they actually went in your ear.

"Sure," Sosuke answered, gripping the zip at the bottom of your dress and zipping it up to your shoulders, then peering over them at yours and his reflection in the mirror.

Wrapping his arms around your waist, Sosuke rested his head against your shoulder and started pressing light, feathery kisses to your neck and cheek.

"You look so beautiful," he whispered, smiling at you. "I can't wait to get you in a wedding dress of your own."

Blushing, you laughed nervously as you applied your last earring through your ear and shimmied out of Sosuke's grasp, only to turn around and wrap your arms around his neck from the front.

"Well you better hurry up, then," you purred, and Sosuke wrapped his arms around your waist again to kiss your lips sweetly.

Pulling away, you admired how good Sosuke looked in his tux.

It was your cousin's wedding today, and you - along with Sosuke - had been invited all the way to (home country) to attend the wedding.

It's not that you didn't want to go (you were a bridesmaid so you kind of had to go), but you were just worried for Sosuke, being among so many new people. And you knew he had been practicing his (first language) for quite a while now, but you were still worried he would say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

The colour scheme for bridesmaids was turquoise, which you agreed was a lovely colour, but even though Sosuke was just a guest, he still decided to add a turquoise tie to his black tux, and you thought he looked amazing.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Sosuke," you commented, eyeing him up and down, and Sosuke smiled.

"Of course I don't," he joked. "I always look good."


After a long two hour drive to the wedding venue, filled with a lot of laughing and singing to songs on the radio, you and Sosuke finally arrived at the church, and your mother couldn't have made it anymore obvious about your arrival.

"Y/N!" She practically screamed, running up to you and hugging you tightly.

"H-hi, Mum," you choked, and caught Sosuke laughing out of the corner of your eye.

When she let you go, you glared at Sosuke, watching as your mother walked up to him proudly.

"Oh, you must be Sosuke, I've heard so much about you!" She exclaimed, and Sosuke chuckled.

"Yes, ma'am, Sosuke Yamazaki at your service," he replied humbly, bowing down, and your mouth dropped agape a little at how courteous he was being.

"Oh, Y/N, he's perfect!" Your mother squealed. "He's a keeper, honey."

Your mother soon walked off elsewhere to greet some other guests, and you and Sosuke linked arms to head into the church.

"Where did you learn such manners like that?" You asked, looking up at Sosuke, who just blushed.

"I may have learned from Rei and Makoto."


The wedding was boring, well, to you it was.

You and Sosuke spent the whole time making funny faces at eachother from the audience and altar.

But, overall, it was over quicker than you had expected, and the afterparty rolled around even quicker.

You and Sosuke stayed together for most of it, but you did go around to talk to some of your relatives while Sosuke hit it off pretty well with the groom, talking about their workout regime and whatnot.

By the end of it, you were so tired you could literally sleep on the table, but your mother wouldn't let you leave until after the bouquet of flowers had been thrown, and you stayed just a little longer for it.

Your cousin threw the flowers in the air behind her, and you weren't really focusing on what was going on until Sosuke nudged your shoulder gently, prompting you to look ahead of you and notice the bouquet flying straight towards you.

You caught it, as you didn't want it to hit you in the face, and everyone cheered and clapped when Sosuke looked at you.

He suddenly leaned down and kissed your lips passionately but softly, and when he pulled away, you were blushing like mad before Sosuke said:

"I guess I should get that wedding dress ready then."


My headphones are broken I cri.

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