Nagisa Hazuki ~ Flesh

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^^^If someone has a better title for this, then - please- don't hesitate to speak up.^^^

Ghoul!Nagisa by the way, just thought I would clear that up.


Nagisa was good at hiding his hunger for flesh.

Actually, scratch that, he was fucking amazing at hiding his hunger for flesh.

Anyone at all could've guessed that he was a normal human being, and not a Ghoul, and that was the way he intended to keep it.

But it wasn't healthy for him at all.

He was always around people, so he never got a chance to eat, and soon enough, starvation was a normal part of Nagisa's daily routine.

I mean, it wasn't like he had a go-to place to get food from or anything, he was only just sixteen, but he couldn't imagine the horror if someone close to him discovered he was a Ghoul. Nagisa had lost so many people close to him to the CCG and other Ghouls, and he didn't want to lose anymore.

But, there was one person of whom he cared about more than anybody else in his whole life, and that was you.

His best friend, you meant everything to him, and if you left him after discovering his disgusting secret, Nagisa would kill himself there and then.

But, sometimes, a Ghoul can't always cover up their hunger, and it's near the point of death that these things tend to slip out.


"Nagisa?" You asked softly, knocking on the door of the boy's bedroom with the back of your fingers. "Your mum said you were up here, can I come in?"

"No!" Nagisa immediately replied, sounding desperate. "Uh...I'm changing."

"Into what?" You laughed. "The last time I checked, all you own is your school uniform, swimming trunks and a manky old t-shirt."

You expected Nagisa to laugh and tell you to stop teasing him, but what you got was the complete opposite.

A scream of pain, straight from the boy of whom you were literally just talking to a few seconds ago.

"Nagisa?" You asked, your voice filled with worry. "Nagisa, open the door."

When Nagisa didn't open up, but his screams could still be heard, you tried opening the door yourself, only to find it was locked.

"Nagisa, open the door!" You screamed, tears filling your eyes as you kept trying to open it, banging on the door and everything.

"Nagisa!" You cried, banging harder, until you decided to kick it down.

You were currently taking classes in kickboxing, and the lessons seemed to be paying off, as when you kicked the door with as much force as you could muster, you sent it flying off of its hinges, and you rushed into Nagisa's room, completely shocked to see the boy laying on the floor, pale and clenching his stomach, both of his eyes jet black with a blood-red pupil and red veins popping out from the sides.

You went to rush towards him, but Nagisa suddenly got up onto his hands and knees, his whole body sweating and recoiling.

He was wearing only his boxers, and you could now see why Nagisa only wore the same clothes everyday: because none of the others fit him. They were too big, and now you knew why.

Nagisa had been starving himself.

His arms and legs were skinny and you could see his rib-cage from the outside, and at that moment you just wanted to hug him, and nourish him back to full health.

"Don't come near me!" He yelled, his voice coming out as a garbled mess, hoarse and horrible. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Nagisa-" you started, but he cut you off.

"Get out of here, Y/N," he cried. "Go and run as far away from me as possible. Just forget about me, please!"

The tears swimming around your eyes slowly started to spill, and you stared at the boy in shock, the colour rushing from your face in an instant as you shook your head.

"No, I'm not leaving you like this!" You argued, trying to step towards Nagisa again, but he told you to stay back.

"Please," he begged quietly, his voice cracking as his own tears started to fall. "Please...for me."

He had given up fighting, and he was just laying on the floor, writhing silently in his own pain as he shook with sobs.

Seeing this as your opportunity to finally confront him, you rushed towards Nagisa, lifting his body up off of the floor and sitting him up in front of you, cupping his face in your hands and bringing it up to look at you.

You finally got a good look at him.

He was more underweight than you had thought, and you thought you would break him just by touching him.

His eyes were beautiful, despite being filled with tears, and you hugged him tightly, burying his face in your shoulder as you stroked his hair softly.

Starting to unbutton your school shirt, you let the flimsy clothing fall off your shoulder, and Nagisa's eyes widened.

"No..." He whsipered, but you smiled sweetly, cupping his face with one of your hands and wiping his newly fallen tears away with your thumb.

"Go on, Nagisa; you need to survive," you insisted, and Nagisa closed his eyes.

Hesitantly, he leaned in and bit your upper arm, and you winced at the pain, but pushed it to the back of your mind.

Once he was done, Nagisa pulled away, and ducked his head down, too ashamed to even look at you.

"I'm a monster," he sobbed, clenching his fists on his knees as more tears fell from his eyes.

You lifted his face up and kissed him gently, making sure your lips left a soft sensation on his own lips when you pulled away, and Nagisa stared at you in shock.

"You're not a monster," you reassured, smiling sweetly. "You're my best friend, and I love you so much.

"Don't you ever forget that."


I live for smexy ghoul Nagisa ya'know.

And, I just realised in all of my x reader books, there's at least one Tokyo Ghoul crossover, when I don't even like the anime that much. The first opening and Juuzou are all I watched it for oops.

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