Kisumi Shigino ~ Respect

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Don't know how I came up with this, but I have no regrets.

Mild sexual content towards the end, I guess.

Requested by @breanna__robinson


Being Princess of (home country) was hard work for you, always running around after people, arranging balls and outings, and near enough never being able to go out of the castle on your own.

It really sucked sometimes, but you couldn't say you didn't like the attention most of the time.

But what really bothered you was how superior your father, the King, thought he was to everyone else.

Yeah, he was rich and owned a lot of land, but sometimes he didn't act very kingly, and it really upset you.

He was always disrespecting the maids, butlers and servants and you couldn't help but feel partly responsible for his disgusting actions, even though they had nothing to do with you.

But, when it came to your own personal servant, Kisumi, as far as you were concerned, you were the only one fit to even lay a finger on him, and if anybody else did (such as your father) then they would have to face you.

Kisumi was one of the lower level servants of the household. You had the butlers and maids, who were at the top of the ladder, then the servants who were all the way at the bottom.

But Kisumi wasn't like that to you. To you, he was your best friend, and you didn't really care for rankings or fancy titles, because at the end of the day, what really mattered to you was the fact that he was here, and still alive in this hellish world where class meant everything.

It was sad really, how the world was split into two divides - the upper class and the lower class - and you just wished that everyone would get along with eachother sometimes.

Unfortunately, that's not how the world was wired, and you were fortunate enough to be born into the upper class.


"Kisumi, I'm so bored~!" You whined, rolling over on top of the duvet on your bed, creasing it even more as you rolled back and forth.

Kisumi, who was sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed, chuckled at your state and you shot him a playful glare.

"You're cute when you're in a mood, you know," Kisumi teased, and you sat up, running a hand through your hair as you sighed heavily.

You weren't fazed by Kisumi's constant teasing, as it was a normal part of your relationship with the boy, and you really liked that. It gave you a chance to fully be yourself, without having to worry about expectations or being the 'perfect lady'.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" You asked, and Kisumi tapped his chin in thought.

Staring at the pink-haired boy, you rested your elbow on your knee and, through no fault of your own, your cleavage was made visible to the boy, whose face burned red as he looked away elsewhere.

You were wearing an old crop top and shorts, after all.

You never really noticed how good looking your best friend was, and it surprised you that he had never had a girlfriend.

After all, he had been living in this castle pretty much his whole life, but he could've hit it off with one of the maids, but he didn't.

The reason being because he had his eyes set on someone else, someone that he knew he could never get.

"Ooh, I know!" he suddenly exclaimed, and you sat up, awaiting his answer. "We could go into the town centre."

Your face fell as you shook your head.

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