Haruka Nanase ~ Home

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Oyaoya? I'm still alive and still making Haikyuu!! references, help.


Proud was one thing you could say you were at the moment.

Proud and a little upset.

Two things you could say you were at the moment.

Proud because Haru had finally decided what he was going to be doing with his future. He would be going off to community college in Tokyo with Makoto, and you were happy that he would be with someone he knew; Haru never was very good at making friends.

But a little upset because you knew you would be staying at home, going to college somewhere near you, which meant you wouldn't be able to see Haru for six months at a time before he broke up for Christmas and Summer.

You had told your friends and all of them said that you should cut all ties with Haru, as long-distance relationships never worked out.

Haru would find someone else better than you and probably leave you for them ((it's Makoto shh)), which you didn't want to happen at all.

You were loyal, and would never set your eyes on someone the same way you did for Haru, as he meant the world to you, and you know you meant the world to Haru, but sometimes rumours can mess with your brain.

You didn't listen to your friends and kept things going with Haru.

You went along with him and Makoto to the airport, holding off your tears with everything you had. The two of you promised to call eachother everyday without fail, and the last kiss you shared meant something special to you, and you would hold onto it until you got another one, and so on and so on.

You bid your goodbyes, kissing Haru and hugging Makoto before they were gone, and you would be waiting six months to see him again.


Six months - six grueling months - later, and you were sitting on the coach eagerly waiting for that front door to open.

The apartment had been painfully lonely without Haru and you wondered if he had lost interest in you.

You still called him everyday, but he sounded more tired and bored as each day passed, and the call duration grew shorter and shorter until you just didn't call him anymore.

You thought he had fallen out of love, but really he was just tired.

College was a lot more tougher than he thought it would be, and he was just counting down the months, weeks, days until he would get to see you again.

He missed waking up to your sleeping figure, your beautiful face, your tender kisses and the way that the scent of your perfume would emanate from the bathroom every morning.

He missed everything about you, and he could see how the distance was tearing you apart bit by bit.

He just wanted to hold you in his arms again, and had his mind set on what he would do as soon as he walked through the door.

You heard keys rattle in the lock, and you immediately stood up from the couch, your head shooting in the direction of the door, and when you saw it open, followed by the man of whom you had missed so much, you had to refrain yourself from breaking down right there.

Haru dropped his bags on the floor and at the same time as you started running over to him, he ran over to you, grabbing you by the sides of your face and not even giving you time to think before he pressed his lips to yours passionately.

The kiss was hot, burning with passion, and you melted into Haru's arms at the feel of his soft, warm lips on your chapped, bitten ones.

You'd missed this so much, and you didn't think twice before jumping up and wrapping your legs around his torso, Haru's hands moving down to secure around your waist.

You kissed him back with just as much passion as he had, and you didn't realise you were crying until Haru pulled away, and looked at you with worry.

You just smiled and wiped your tears away, and Haru smiled back at you, pulling you in for another kiss.

No words were needed, as your kisses did all the talking for you, and you made sure to let Haru know how much you missed him that night, as did he to you.

But everything else that happened before or after that didn't matter, because he was home, right where you wanted him to be.


I actually had tears in my eyes while writing this, help me.

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