Rei Ryugazaki ~ Lies

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Ugh, I hate writing these type of one-shots, especially for people like Rei (I just pray that it wasn't Makoto) but I'm going to give it a go anyway!

Requested by orcawhale_rider


Rei didn't think he had it in him, the resolve to go and cheat on his partner.

He wasn't like that, and he knew deep down in his heart that he loved you, but what he did doesn't excuse the fact that he cheated, fair and square.

You never intended to catch him cheating, and you'd never even thought of the possibility that Rei would go behind your back, because it was completely unlike him.

Everyone thought he was a pretty dedicated and balanced man, one who was obsessed with beauty (which was why he fell for you, of course), but you knew him to be a liar, and you didn't hesitate to sever all ties with him once you saw him kissing another girl.

And now, two months later, he was at your doorstep, begging for forgiveness and mercy.

"Y/N, just hear me out for one second, please," he begged, and you folded your arms in front of your chest, stepping to the side stiffly to let him in.

Shutting the door behind him, you stared at him with such murderous intent, it could make him bleed out right there and then. But he wanted to make things better between the two of you, and he was determined to do so.

"Hurry up and spit it out, I have things to do," you muttered, and Rei nodded.

"I know that what I did was wrong, and I'm not here to come up with excuses, I'm here to tell you the truth, and explain what happened." Rei started, and you rolled your eyes, leaning against the wall as you knew this would be long. "It started during that period of time when you were away on your art courses-"

"Of course," you scoffed, and Rei cleared his throat before continuing.

"A new girl transferred to Iwatobi in our year, and I was asked to show her around and be her 'buddy' until she had settled in alright. I knew from the start that she was a bit clingy, but I tried not to think anything of it because I didn't want to upset her or make her feel uncomfortable on the first day. But she kept coming back, months after she had joined Iwatobi, and I couldn't turn her down-"

"Did you love her?" You interrupted, and Rei bit his lip.

"I- no- yes, I did," he tripped over his words, and you shook your head, focusing your gaze elsewhere. You were too disgusted to look at him.

"I swear, I'm not here to make you cry, I just want to tell you the truth," Rei insisted, taking a step towards you, and you immediately backed against the door, the tears from your eyes starting to fall slowly.

"Don't touch me!" You cried, and Rei lowered his arm.

He should've known that this would end like this. He didn't expect you to forgive him, and that was ok; he just wanted to make things right between the two of you.

But now he'd seen it, seen what his actions had done to you, and he realised that he had broken you, and all because of his stupid lies.


Probably won't be writing a part two or anymore of these ones with either a cheating character or cheating reader because obviously this one sucked and I really don't like reading or writing one-shots with cheating in them. Sorry!

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