Haruka Nanase ~ Crush

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I thought this idea was really cool so it gives me great pleasure to say this was requested by plisetskytrash (sorry for the wait, my dear!) and I hope you enjoy! 


Swimming was never important, you thought. You knew yourself that it was a useless skill to possess as you were never going to end up getting yourself into a situation that required you knowing how to swim.

Or so you thought.

When it came down to spending time with your crush, you would do anything and everything to make sure you were there, but you were fully aware of your need to know how to swim, but you sort of brushed it off until it really mattered, which wasn't a very wise choice.


Your best friend, Gou had told you she and the boys from the swim club - including Haru - were meeting up with the Samezuka swim team at the beach for a nice day out, and she had invited you along too.

However, she didn't know you couldn't swim - she only knew about your crush on Haru, which is why she invited you, and you made the mistake of saying yes.

You didn't really find the need to tell her you couldn't swim, as you knew for a fact that you wouldn't be getting in the water, no matter what anybody said.

You wore a swimsuit underneath your t-shirt and shorts anyway, just so nobody would judge you, and brought a nice book to read.

You told the boys that you were perfectly fine with just watching from afar, but of course that would never be enough for them, and they literally had to drag you out into the sea.

"No, g-guys, I really don't want to-!" You tried to argue, but before you could finish your sentence, the wave - a very big wave at that - rolled in and swept you off of your feet, quite literally.

Your heart started to pound inside of your chest and you began flailing your arms around, gasping for breath as the current seemed to pull you out further and the people on the beach grew smaller and smaller.

"Help!" You tried to call out, but your irregular gasps made your cry come out as more of a garbled nothing.

Nobody seemed to notice that you were literally drowning except for Haru, who tapped Makoto on the shoulder to confirm.

"Makoto, I don't think she's having fun out there," he said, his voice coming out quieter than everybody else's.

Makoto looked out to you, telling everybody to be quiet so they could hear whether you were screaming or not.

And when they heard it for the second time, Haru made no hesitation in running out to the sea, diving in and swimming faster than he had ever swam in his whole life.

When he reached you, Haru grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him, hoisting you up onto his back and calming you as he swam back to shore.

"It's ok, Y/N, you're ok, don't worry," he cooed after reaching the shore and carried you back to your towel, setting you down there and sitting down in front of you, staring at your pale and shaking form.

Haru stayed with you until you were calm, and everybody else went back to having fun. Momo and Nagisa even came over to apologise to you, and you faked a smile, telling them it was ok even thought it really wasn't.

"Are you ok now?" Haru asked, and you nodded, not having the courage to look at him.

This was all your fault. If you had just told Gou that you couldn't swim, she would've warned the teams first before they dragged you out to sea. Better yet, you shouldn't have even come today.

Haru noticed tears forming in the corners of your eyes and tipped your chin up with two of his fingers.

"I think you're really brave, you know," he said quietly, and your tears started to spill. "But why didn't you tell anyone you couldn't swim?"

You sighed. You'd already embarrassed yourself enough today, so why not tell him about your crush.

"Because I just wanted to spend time with you," you answered, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to tell you I couldn't swim because I thought it would make you like me less. I didn't want to tell you because...I like you."

You expected Haru to laugh, for him to play off your feelings like it was just some stupid heartthrob, but he didn't.

In fact, he did the last thing you expected him to do. He kissed you.

It was a simple kiss, a short kiss that said 'I like you too', and at that moment, it told you everything you needed to know.


Fluffy Haru is best Haru, ok bye.

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