Sosuke Yamazaki ~ Tired

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I haven't written for Free! in ages, I'm--


Not many people knew you had a boyfriend.

Only your closest friends knew about your secret relationship, and that's the way you wanted to keep it.

Of course it wasn't a bad thing that you were in a relationship - call it nothing short of a miracle - but if people found out you were dating your teacher, they probably wouldn't be so secretive about it.

But Sosuke was so much more than just a teacher, he was actually your best friend.

He was only three years older than you, and the two of you had been best friends since you were children, but when Sosuke started junior high, you never really saw much of him.

You were neighbours until he moved house to be closer to his school, and you sort of lost contact, but after graduating from college at age 21, Sosuke became a teacher at Iwatobi, which happened to be your school.

But, despite all this, the two of you always managed to keep your relationship unknown to others, and even your closest friends said they would've had no idea you were dating if you hadn't have told them.

And what was so great about having Sosuke for a boyfriend was that he could always help you on work you didn't understand after school, as your parents were always working late so you practically lived at Sosuke's house.

And Sosuke was so happy to have you around, whether it be inside of school or outside of school, and he was definitely more affectionate outside of school, as he would be fired if teachers found out about the relationship he had with you.

But neither of you wanted attention from others, all you wanted was eachother, and that was enough for both of you.


"Y/N, you should really think about going to bed," Sosuke stated, leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom you shared when you were round his place with his arms crossed.

You groaned, opening your eyes to see him standing there, smiling at you.

You were slouched at the desk with the side of your face pressed against the table and papers scattered around you.

You were studying for a (least favourite subject) test tomorrow, and you'd been studying everyday since the test was announced, but none of the materials seemed to want to get into your head.

"Sosuke, this test is going to give me insomnia, I swear," you whined, and Sosuke chuckled, the muscles in his arms peeking out through the sleeves of his t-shirt as he did so.

"What do you need help with?" He asked, walking over to the desk and kneeling down next to you.

You brought your head up from the wooden surface and looked down at your notes, not understanding any of them.

"Everything," you mumbled, and Sosuke wrapped an arm around your waist as if to comfort you as he rubbed your side gently.

"Hey, there's no point in getting stressed out about it, just take your time, ok?" He cooed, and your groaned again.

"Why do you have to set such hard tests?" You asked, a pout on your face as Sosuke kissed your cheek.

"I'm not the one who sets them, babe, but if I could, I would make them a lot easier because this is ridiculous," Sosuke shook his head as he looked down at the notes. "No wonder you're having troubles."

"Are you calling me stupid?" You teased, and Sosuke smirked.



The test was horrible, but you managed to do it.

The class had twenty minutes to spare after completing it, so Sosuke decided to give the class some spare time, which you spent sleeping - trying to catch up on all that rest you'd missed out on last night due to studying even harder.

Sosuke honestly did feel really sorry for you, and when the bell rang, he dismissed the class quietly in order not to wake you.

He let you sleep at your desk for another few hours until it was around 6pm when he finally decided to wake you up.

Sitting at the desk in front of yours, Sosuke turned so he was sitting on the chair the wrong way round and ran his hand through your hair.

"Y/N, hey," he whispered softly, rubbing your arm up and down until you stirred and woke up slowly. "You fell asleep after the test so I left you be for a few hours. How're you feeling?"

You stretched your arms and rubbed your eyes, running a hand through your messy hair.

"I'm fine."

"Oh, hang on, you've got some pen on your face," Sosuke said, licking his thumb and rubbing the side of your face until the pen was gone, and when he was done, he cupped your face gently and smiled. "Don't worry about the test, sweetheart, I'm sure you did well."

You smiled tiredly and keened into Sosuke's touch, until he pulled you in for a short, sweet kiss which lasted about three seconds before he pulled away and kissed your nose a few times.

"Come on, let's head back to mine. We can eat sushi and watch anime if you like," he suggested, and you nodded, standing up from your desk lazily and following Sosuke to the door.

It was really funny how well you and Sosuke seemed to fit together, and it was a nice feeling - having him there - almost as nice as the sushi you ate and anime you watched after.


Sushi + chill, amiright? You should all read my journal it's entertaining.

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