twenty eight

969 57 13

"Some will burn out. Some will burn bright."

Present Day

"You were pregnant?"

A silence floats over them, one that makes Tris's mouth go dry and her hands begin to feel clammy. One that makes Tobias even more uneasy.

"Tobias," She stands fast from the couch she was sitting on and moves closer to him. "I--"

She had hoped, prayed and did all she could to make sure this day never came... and now that it has she has no idea what to say.

"Look at what I'm holding Tris," He says sternly, holding a home pregnancy test and an a sheet of paper with only a scribbled down time and date. "now you explain this to me. The truth."

Tobias's head is spinning with a million things, and he just wants to know the truth to what he's looking at. Because right now, it's all making him sick.

Tris's eyes slowly flood with tears, but she swallows them down so she can try her best to explain. Without losing him, again.

"I--I was pregnant," She stutters. "yes."

Tobias lets out a large breath. "I need you to tell me that that baby wasn't mine, that you haven't been lying and hiding this from me for a year Tris."

His voice shakes with emotion, but most of all it shakes with fear.

Tris looks up at him through her lashes, wishing now she hadn't kept those two things. No matter how much it meant at the moment then to keep them, now it was jeopardizing her relationship with Tobias.

"Yes," She whispers. "it was yours."

Tobias back into the doorframe, leaning his back against the wood. Feeling now as though he could pass out.

"I found out the day after I dropped you off, for your last stay at rehab." Tris begins to tell him.

"I was only a few weeks along," She can feel her heart beating in her throat and her hands beginning to shake. "and you have to know that I didn't right away want to do what I did. But Tobias--"

Her hand reaches out in attempt to touch his arm, but he pulls back before he can feel her hand. Making her heart break, as he makes more distance between them.

"You aborted it??" He asks, unable to still believe it.

She nods, as tears roll down her face.

"I never wanted to, but Tobias I couldn't keep it. Not when I was alone, not when you were in there not when--"

"But you didn't even tell me! My baby, my child... and you didn't even tell me Tris!" He's shouting now, his voice booming.

"I didn't know till after I already dropped you off there Tobias, I didn't have a chance to tell--"

"No! You could have waited, waited ninety days for me to get out and I was sober after that Tris. Sober, and you made the decision all on your own to kill my child. Our child." Tobias yells most of this, but the last few words come out in an emotional whisper. Unable to yell it anymore as it all comes crashing in.

"You did," Tris nods. "you did get sober but it took you four times in rehab just to do that. You broke all the furniture in our place, and--"

"How could you just, get rid of it. Just like that."

"You think it was easy??" She asks, tears spilling now. "It was the hardest thing I have ever done, and Tobias I did it because I wanted what was best for--"

"For who Tris! For you. It was best for you, not best for that child who never got a chance, my child. Not best for me, I got sober and we could've made it together if you would've waited and we could've had a family."

Flinging the test and paper somewhere in the corner of the room, Tobias walks out.

"No," Tris cries following him just in time to see him walk out the front door. Slamming the door as he goes. "Tobias! I'm sorry."

Her sobs can be heard from the outside as Tobias gets into his truck, but he just drives. Foot on the gas, he drives.

|     |      |      |

A Year Ago

Her hands shake as she holds the stick, the one that either confirms what she fears or relieves her of her worries.

Tobias had been in rehab only a few days, and this was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. She was supposed to be trying to figure out how to do life without him by her side, and if she ended up pregnant with his child... it would make things ten times harder.

The images flashing through her mind of them raising a family together, a boy that looks like his father and a girl who has Tobias wrapped around her tiny finger.

As the timer goes off, those visons fade away. Taking the happiness with them.

Looking down she sees her answer in the form of two little lines.

Resting the stick on the counter, she looks back at her reflection in the mirror. Her hands hovering over her still flat stomach, not yet growing a bump.

She was pregnant, with Tobias's baby.

Saying that in her head, causes her to break down. The things she always dreamed of happening with Tobias was happening, except he wasn't here. He wasn't here with her, instead he was in another go at rehab that she figured would only last a few months when he got out.

"What do I do?"

She finds herself asking herself that question over and over again, hoping that if she says it enough she'll know.

But how do you get a perfect answer in a situation like this. One you'd always hoped you'd find yourself in, just a bit differently. She wishes with everything that Tobias was here with her right now, seeing the same beautiful sign of being pregnant that she is. But he isn't.

She cries for this was something they wanted, whether it happened before or after marriage. It was something they hoped for someday. And now, she was most likely going to be facing this alone.

What was she supposed to do?

A/N: Intense chapter, and I will say that this topic can be hard not only to write but to read. I know that there are strong opinions on the matter, and believe me I have them too. But it's a part I wanted in the story, to add more drama but also another obstacle that they will have to try and overcome. Please no rude/hate in the comments, thanks!

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