forty nine

758 43 15

"At the end of the day, Lord I pray, I have a life that's good."

Present Day

It was the fastest Tobias had ever driven in his life, tire screeching against the road as he swerved past traffic. He knew he was becoming reckless with his speed, but all he could think about was the fact that he could be missing the birth of his baby girl. He made a very quick stop home, to put his guitar away and grab something for the baby that he hadn't put in the hospital bag. And soon, with Zeke holding on in the passenger seat, they were speeding towards the hospital.

Tobias's mind was running wild. The picture of Tris going through the pain of labor on her own, without him there beside her, made his heart break. The thought of his daughter entering the world and her daddy wasn't there to see it. His heart was racing, beating far faster than it should inside his chest.

The hospital at 10:40 at night, was more busy than Tobias had both thought and hoped. It was buzzing, patients and nurses everywhere he looked. But Zeke helped guide him to the level where labor and delivery took place. Zeke could see how flustered and lost Tobias was, both physically and mentally.

"Beatrice Eaton?" Tobias asked the red haired woman who sat at the desk. His mind was clouded and he could feel his chest constricting, but he still managed to ask for his wife clearly.

"Are you family?"

"She's my wife," Tobias breathed out, and his hands were beginning to shake with nerves and adrenaline. "She's in labor with our daughter."

"Room 7B" The woman pointed down the hall, and shot a kind smile to the nervous soon to be father.

Tobias didn't just rush down that hallway, no he ran. He ran the short distance as fast as he could and reaching the door he pushed it open slowly.

There in the low light of the pale blue painted hospital room, Tris lays on the hospital bed and Tobias can't believe how unbelievably beautiful she looks right in that moment. Her hair pulled back into the messiest bun, with sweat shimmering against her brow. She is in one of those ugly hospital gowns, but she could wear a paper bag and still look stunning.

"Tobias?" She whispers, and Tobias steps further into the room.

"Hey baby," He coos softly, smiling at his wife. "I'm here."

He doesn't hear any whimpers or cries, and he doesn't see a bundle of pink anywhere.

"Is she here?" He asks, his voice shaking slightly.

"Not yet," Tris sighs, setting her hand on top of her large belly that is covered by her gown and blanket. "she was waiting for her daddy to get here."

Tobias smiles; the biggest ear to ear grin. One that makes him laugh with tears piercing his eyes. He hadn't missed the birth, he hadn't missed seeing his daughter enter the world.

Going over to Tris's bedside, he moves a chair over to sit. But before he does he remembers the thing in his back pocket. Pulling out the stuffed animal that has been stuffed and has been flopped back and forth in his back pocket as he raced to be here, he hands it to Tris. 

"For her." It's a soft white bunny, with long fluffy ears. A pink nose and the cutest of eyes. It was something that Tobias picked out and wanted his daughter to have it the day she was born.

"She'll love it." Tris whispers and sets it down beside her on the bed.

Taking a seat in the uncomfortable hospital chair, he grasps her left hand in his own. The hand that doesn't have an IV in it. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." Tris whispers and Tobias touches her cheek with the hand he isn't holding hers in. 

"Sleep," Tobias leans forward and presses his lips to her warm forehead. "I'll be here."

|     |      |      |

Two Years Ago

"She's good for you."

His mother smiled a small smile at him, warm and kind.

Tobias nods, he knows that Tris is the best thing that has ever happened to him and the best thing he's ever had in his life.

"You plan to marry her?" Evelyn asks, zipping up her purse as they sit on the couch together.

"I do," Tobias nods. "She's the person I want to wake up to and fall asleep with. The person I want to laugh and cry with. The person I want a family with, so yes. I want Tris to be my wife someday."

"She's good for you." Evelyn repeats as she watches her son's face shine with love and happiness. She's thankful that he found someone who makes him feel this way, not just happy but hopefully. Even with facing cancer, that could kill him, he's still picturing a future with Tris. And that might be the best gift Tris could give to him.

|     |     |     |

Present Day

"One more push baby." Tobias tells his wife, who cries out in excruciating pain. His hand gripped tightly in hers, as she pushes with all her might. Four hours later, their baby girl was ready to come out and see the world.

Tris's screams of anguish are soon joined by a higher pitch cry, and her eyes open as she watches the nurses hold up her baby. She's small, coated in white and red, and she has a good set of lungs on her.

"Dad, you want to cut the cord?"

Tobias nods, standing up as tears cloud his eyes. Soon, as she's washed up, they wrap her in pink and place the smallest hat on top of her head. She has small wisps of blonde curls which she got from her mother, but as she opens her eyes... that's all her daddy.

"Here she is." Tobias smiles as he hands their minutes old daughter over to Tris.

Tris stares lovingly down at her baby, taking in all the details. Blonde hair, stunning blue eyes, and a hooked nose.

"She's beautiful." Tris whispers and Tobias kisses his wife's head.

"You did so good my love," Tobias smiles down at his daughter. "And she is absolutely beautiful, like her mother."

"Melody Hope Eaton." Tris says staring down at her baby, then over at Tobias. It was a name that Tris had come up with all on her own, and running it past Tobias he loved it just as much.

Tobias smiles at his wife and than at his baby daughter. "She's perfect."

Tris was finally getting some well earned rest, and Tobias stood by the far window with his daughter cradled safely in his arms. She slept soundly in her father's arms.

"Two arms around me, heaven to ground me, and a family that always calls me home." Tobias keeps his voice soft and quiet as he begins to sing tenderly to his newborn daughter. Moving his gaze from the still dark early morning sky outside, down to his baby girl sleeping in his arms.

"Four wheels to get there, enough love to share, and sweet, sweet sweet song,"

At 7.2lbs, Melody Hope has already gotten her daddy wrapped around her finger. Tobias feels this new part of his heart beating as this is a love he never knew he could feel.

"At the end of the day, lord I pray, I have a life that's good."

A/N: I love this chapter, it turned out so beautiful and I hope you all like it just as much as I do! :)

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