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"Sometimes it feels like I'm so far away"

Present Day

The breeze that blew around Tobias was soft, and cool. The weather warm and the sunshine beating down. But the wind was gentle, and kind... something Tobias knew he didn't deserve at that moment.

Sitting in the neatly kept grass, he stares at the grey gravestone in front of him. His arms resting on his knees that are bent, he stares at his mother's name engraved into the stone.

"You can't be a coward," Tobias hears a voice, and pulls him from his stuck gaze on the grave. "not on my sisters wedding day."

Turning his head, Tobias sees the last person he expected to see standing a few feet from him. Caleb Prior.

Beatrice's brother; the one in her family that never once accepted him. He had his reasons and Tobias always respected them. So to see him standing there, surprises him.

"What are you doing here Caleb?" Tobias asks, turning his head back and looks down at his feet.

Caleb snorts slightly, "I should really be the one asking you that question. What are you doing here, and not back there about to get married?"

Tobias sighs, and Caleb sits beside him in the grass. Taking a look at the headstone, and his tone softens in realization of who it is.

"I walked into that house, our house, and I felt like an outsider. All those people, and the way some looked at me." Tobias shakes his head, closing his eyes.

"I know what people think of me, what they think of Tris for being with me." Tobias says looking over at Caleb.

"I know you never liked me, that Tris deserved better. And walking in that house, with all those people judging me and my mistakes," Shaking his head again, he lets out a deep breath. "maybe she does."

Sighing, Caleb leans forward balancing his elbows on his thighs. "Your mistakes caused my sister pain, so you're right. I never really liked you."

Tobias wants to roll his eyes, thinking he showed up just to rub salt in his open wound.

"But you know what I did like? The way you made my sister happy."

That statement causes Tobias to look back in Caleb's direction.

"I don't know why it's you, or how she can overlook everything messed up about you," Caleb states. "but you make her happy. Happiest she's ever been."

"I've always thought she deserved someone better, someone not battling an addiction or someone who wasn't going to cause her pain. But Beatrice deserves above all to be happy in life. And you make her happy."

Tobias runs a hand through his hair, images of Tris happy flashing through his mind.

"What are you afraid of? That she'll see how messed up you are and leave? Or that you'll hurt her again? What?" Caleb asks, looking straight at Tobias ready for his answer.

"That I'll let her down." Tobias says this without missing a single beat, and feels his heart ache inside his chest.

"Listen to me," Caleb says with a soft sigh. "if you don't show up at that alter today, you will let her down. If you leave her up there alone, you will let her down."

Closing his eyes, worse images of her in white and alone flood Tobias's mind.

"But showing up, being there with her and for her, there's no chance you'll let her down. And none of us can prepare for what will happen in the future, we can only prepare for today. So you have a choice Tobias."

Tobias looks at Caleb, watching his stand and dust off his suit.

"Either let the fear of letting her down in the future let her down today, or just be there."

|    |     |     |

Two Years Ago

It was a look Tobias couldn't stand to see in her eyes.

It wasn't anger, or pity. Both he hated... but this was worse.


All her hope for him and for them crushed, by him. And it was something Tobias couldn't change, something that he couldn't take back.

The look of disappointment in her eyes burned into him, and the guilt ate at him just as much as the hole burned into him.

Tobias had let Tris down, and it was a feeling he swore to himself he'd never put her through again.

|     |      |      |

Present Day

The house Tobias had thought was crowed a while ago, was now even more so. As all the guests were there and beginning to find their seats. Only twenty minutes remained till the scheduled wedding.

"Where the hell have you been?" Focusing back, Tobias sees Zeke coming towards him.

"I'm sorry," Tobias shakes his head. "I'm here now. I need to see Tris, I don't care who says I can't. Where is she?"

Zeke sighs, but leads his best friend to his fiancées room.

Knocking on the door, Tobias opens it up slowly. The scent of hairspray and perfume in the air, and flowers on the tables.

Tris is sitting in front of the large mirror, her head in her hands as she leans her elbows on the table. Tobias's heart breaks for what he put her through, on today of all days.

"Don't cry and mess up your make up beautiful." Tobias says, and Tris's head snaps to face the door.


He smiles a small smile, and walks closer to her.

"Are you going to put that dress of yours on? I've waited weeks to see it." Tobias says as Tris walks to him.

"Where were you? Are you alright?" Tris asks, worried for him. She's still dressed in a fluffy white robe, instead of the dress she should be glowing in.

"I had to get my head straight, but I'm better than good now." Tris's hands find Tobias's shoulders and pulls him closer to her.

"I thought you left," She whispers, looking into his eyes.

"Never," Tobias smiles, and bends down kissing her lips slowly. Pulling away quicker than Tris had hoped. "I love you Beatrice Prior. And in fifteen minutes I'm going to make you my wife."

Pulling away from her embrace, she smiles warmly at him. And Tobias mirrors that smile.

"I'll see you out there baby." Tobias says and heads to the door.

Leaving the room, Tobias is exploding with a happiness he has never felt. And knows it will only grow in the coming minutes.

A/N: I really like this chapter, and am so excited for the next one. Prepare for FourTris feels, that's my only warning for you! :)

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