thirty five

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"Think about picking up the phone and Think about calling you"

A Year and A Half Ago

She watched as he became isolated. Something changing within himself in the short span of three months, and deep down she knew what is was about... she just prayed it wasn't true.

"Tobias?" She asks one night, finding him sitting alone outside on the porch.

Turning his head, he looks at her. Her hair blowing with the wind, and her eyes holding concern for him.

"What's going on?" Tris asks, and crouches beside him looking up at him.

Tobias shakes his head, trying to not only dodge her question but her gaze on him.

"Are you drinking again?"

The question is one that causes guilt to surface inside him, but his demons make it fade just as fast.

"Don't lie to me please," Tris pleads. "tell me."

Nodding slowly, he confirms her fears.

Tobias can't help but wonder how she knew, he made sure to hide any trace of alcohol where she might find it.

"You've been cold and distant, for a sad reason I had hoped I had done something. That we didn't have to travel this road again, but I guess..." Shaking her head she doesn't finish. But instead stands and makes her way to the door.

"I'm sorry." Tobias whispers into the night, allowing Tris to hear before she goes back inside.

Tris wants to ask "Are you?" But she doesn't want to hear the answer.

|     |     |     |

Present Day

"Hey mom," Tris smiles warmly answering the phone. Dusk falling over the June day, with peach and pink faded into the clouds outside.

"Hello sweetheart, how have you been?"

Moving to sit on the couch, Tris tucks her legs in under her.

"I've been good, the bookstore is doing really good."

"That's good to hear darling, how's Tobias?"

This makes Tris pause, a week had come and gone and within that time something had shifted in him.

"He's been a bit distance in the last week, out real late," Tris admits, playing with a string on her sweatshirt. "I'm not sure what it's about but I'm--"

"You're what?"

What was Tris? Worried, scared, apprehensive? Both??

"I've been with Tobias through so much that I know the signs. His signs. What if this is the start of--"

"Beatrice. Are you insinuating what I think you are?"

"I don't know," Tris sighs. "He's been doing really really good. Why do I feel like it's not going to last?"

She feels guilty for thinking such a thing about him, his improvements have been incredible. So thinking that he could be hiding something or relapsing makes her heart clench with guilt.

"Sweetheart, give him the benefit of the doubt. He's made some pretty heavy mistakes in the past and you've hurt each other. That's always going to be your past, but you say he's been better. Then you, as the one who loves him, have to believe that. Deep down."

Biting her lip in effort to keep any tears that want to escape in, she leans back against the couch.

"Does what I've just told you make me a horrible person mom?"

She hears her mother laugh softly on the other side, "No Beatrice, it makes you a caring and concerned person. Something Tobias deserves to have."

She's right; Tobias has never had someone who cared for him. Who was always concerned for his well being, he was robbed of that in parents. She filled that place now, she cared for him. She was concerned for him. She loved him like no one else had in his life.

Hearing the front door open, Tris turns her head to see Tobias walking through the door.

"It was really good hearing from you mom, I love you and I promise I'll call soon."

Hanging up, she walks over to Tobias who grabs a bottle of water from the fridge.

Sobering up? Her conscience scolds her, benefit of the doubt it reminds her. He's just thirsty.

"Hey babe," Tobias smiles at her, letting out a long day kind of sigh.


Tris looks him over quickly, he looks that same as when he left this morning.

"You want to tell me what you're looking at me like that for?" Tobias asks, screwing the lid onto the water bottle. Walking closer to her.

Tris shrugs, thinking of what to answer with."You've been out late every night. I forget what you look like."

Tobias laughs, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulls her into his chest.

"After almost three years of knowing each other, you could forget what I look like?" Tobias asks with a playfully hurt expression on his face.

"We'll have known each other for three years tomorrow." Tris smiles softly into his chest, inhaling the scent of fresh linen, wind and Tobias.

Suddenly, in the moment of being held by both his arms and by his comforting scent, Tris forgets her fears.

"Feels like longer with all the hell we've been through together doesn't it?" Tobias asks, resting his chin on top of her head.

"It does," Tris agrees. "I love you Tobias, I hope you know that."

Kissing her head gingerly, he smiles. "I know Tris, why does this feel like the scenes in the movies where someone tells someone they love them and then they die or something?"

"It's not," Tris pulls back to look him in his eyes. "you've just been... out a lot lately, and I want you to know I love you."

Pulling her back into his chest, Tobias kisses her head once more. Letting his lips linger softly in her hair.

He didn't address what he's been doing. Trying to think of the positive benefit of the doubt way to spin this, Tris can't find one.

A/N: Hey guys, this one is pretty short and I apologize for that. I've been struggling with this chapter but I hope it's okay. Some FourTris feels coming for you in the next couple chapters!!

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