fifty four

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"And through the good times, And the bad times,"

One Hour Earlier

Tris sits staring at the wall, the wall that is covered in frames with pictures of Tris and Tobias. Pictures from their wedding, as she's dressed in white and he's dressed in his very best. With smiles of happiness and love on their faces. Looking at those memories hung upon the wall, makes Tris's heart ache for her husband. Three days, and she hadn't seen him.

Parts of her worried what he was doing and where he was, if he was fighting his addiction or if he was off trying to distract himself with his old friend. Parts of her didn't even care anymore about the words that were said harshly, all she wanted in that moment was Tobias right there with her. At home, beside her, with her and their daughter. Parts of her wondered why he hadn't come home to her yet, and that worried her.

Picking up her phone that laid on the couch beside her, she dials Tobias's number and listens to it ring. Willing him to answer, praying that he can. That he isn't hurt, that he isn't in trouble, that he isn't off somewhere getting drunk.

When the number picks up, there's only quiet.

"Tobias?" Tris asks, her stomach in knots.

"Tris." Tobias says, and hearing his voice fills her lungs with a rush of air. His voice is low and soft, just like hers. It sounds as though he's been having a rough three days like she has.

"Where are you?"

She needs to know that he's alright, she needs to know that wherever he is he's safe. And a small part of her, wants to hear him continue to talk. She just wants to hear more of his voice, after being deprived of it for days.

"Sitting in an empty parking lot," Tobias answers her. "My meeting ended an hour ago, I haven't left yet."

Tris is thankful he is there, and not some lot where he's drowning his guilt in the bottom of a bottle. She knows he's strong and can fight his addictions, but everyone has their moments of weakness. And Tris doesn't want to see him slip because of a fight that never should've happened.

"Melody misses you." Tris tells her husband, looking at her daughter on the monitor as she sleep soundly.

"I miss you." Tris feels the emotion in her words and the way her voice breaks from the weight of those three words. She wants him to know that she misses him even if things right now are hard, she still loves him. She still misses him when he's away from her.

"I miss you too." Hearing his voice say those words back to her, makes her heart beat correctly for the first time in days. The words warm her and make her feel that everything will be alright. They make her think of a moment, one they had so long ago, a moment where they promised each other something for those times when things got rough and messy.

"No matter what we do," Tris begins to say the words she promised to him that day long ago. "what we say,"

Tris wonders if Tobias remembers that day, those words, that single promise they made. And as he finishes the words for her, she knows that he does.

"We always come home to each other."

His voice is filled with a breaking vulnerability that makes Tris want to wrap her arms around him, hold him close to her, and love him.

"Come home to us Tobias," Tris softly pleads to her husband. "please."

"Do you think," Tobias pauses for a second. "Do you think you could meet me at our spot?"

The request is simple, easy, yet has meaning far beyond the words spoken. The spot where through good and bad, they stood there together.

"I'll be there," Tris smiles into the phone. "I'll see you soon."

"I'll see you soon Tris, I love you."

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One Year Ago

Tris listens to the soft strums of Tobias's guitar and the low sound of his voice floating through the house. Unable to stop the smile from stretching out across her lips, it happened every time she heard her husband play. Whether to himself, to her or to their daughter to get her to sleep.

Tobias's voice was lulling, it had a way of making Tris get lost in the words he sang. She was always captivated when he sang the words he wrote himself and played like no one was even listening.

She could listen to him play for hours it seemed, time slowing and even sometimes stopping as she watched him in his element.

Tris couldn't get over how talented Tobias was, the gift he was given, and he may not have realized just how good he was if life hadn't thrown him a few curveballs.

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Present Day

As Tris drives, after getting Shauna to come over and stay with Melody for a while, she can almost hear Tobias's voice in her mind.

His song floating into her ear as if the music is coming from the radio. The sound of his voice with the words that make her melt from time to time. She smiles to herself, somehow falling in love with her husband all over again. From something as simple as hearing his voice singing to her in the back of her mind.

She's so lost in the words she hears him singing, that Tris doesn't see the car running a red light, until it slams right into her. The impact is instant and harsh, and soon all Tris can see is black.

A/N: I wanted to do this chapter from both perspectives in a way, so I guess you could call it a filler chapter. Upcoming chapters to include more FourTris moments! :)

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