fifty six

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"I promise you, Right here, right now,"

Present Day

Tears of joy were what began to run down both Tobias's cheeks and Tris's. Tobias held onto her hand for dear life, and Tris didn't mind that he may have held it a little too tightly. She didn't mind that her skin was damp in spots from the tears he cried. She didn't care about a thing, other than Tobias was here by her side.

Tobias's hand that doesn't hold hers, moves and cups her cheek gently. His thumb rubbing her soft skin gently, making her feel warm from his touch. Tobias stares at Tris, at her face that even cut and bruised is still as beautiful as it always is. In her eyes that still take his breath away, and at the small smile that is stretched out across her lips. Tobias stares at his wife, who he is so unbelievably in love with, for that's all he can do.

Tobias looks at Tris as if it's the first time, and as if it was the last. Tobias looks at his wife like she is the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world, because she is. Tobias looks at Tris with love that pours out of him, a love that grew in the time he thought he could've lost her.

"I'm sorry." Out of everything Tobias wants to tell Tris, this is the first thing he choses to say to her. Something he needs her to know, in case she didn't hear him while she was unconscious.

"I'm sorry too." Tris whispers and it's as if in that single moment, everything between them is healed. Everything has been mended and everything is suddenly right again. Maybe it was because everything was put in perspective, the fact that Tris almost died in that car accident. Whatever the reason, Tobias wouldn't change the feeling for anything.

"I love you Beatrice," Tobias says to his wife, his voice still soft and tender with all the emotion coursing through him. "So much."

Tris smiles at her husband, squeezing his hand. "I love you too Tobias."

"I heard you." She says and Tobias's eyebrows raise a fraction, as he presses a kiss to her warm hand.

"You did?" He asks kindly, his lips still lingering on the back of her hand.

"Yes, I heard everything you said to me. I heard your apology. I heard all the fear and all of the emotion in your voice. I heard you telling me all the times you've needed me in your life. I heard you singing to me, that beautiful poem like song. I heard it all." She tells him, and his words still ring her ears.

"I was scared." Tobias confesses to her. "The thought of you leaving me in that way. I should've gone home, not had you drive some--"

"Stop." Tris says sternly yet gently. "It's not your fault. Don't put this on yourself Tobias. I'm here, I'm alive and I'm fine."

"You were in an accident babe, I wouldn't say you're fine."

Tris laughs lightly, "You're right. I feel like I was hit by a truck, but when I'm with you Tobias I'm fine."

"I love you Tris." Tobias tells her as if she would forget.

As Tris looks at her husband, the man that sits in an uncomfortable chair at her bedside, she can't help but smile. The way he held her hand the entire time, the way he spoke to her without knowing she could hear him. The way he stayed, the way he loves her, the way that no matter what they will always be brought back to each other. No matter what is thrown at them, it's them. To face the world... together.

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Two Years Ago

Kissing her was still like the very first time

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Kissing her was still like the very first time. As if life hadn't passed them by, as if mistakes had not been made, it was as if everything was back at the beginning. Everything was new, everything was magic, everything was perfection.

Kissing him was like breathing for the first time, questioning how she managed to live without him for the time that she did. She questioned how she got up in the morning with knowing he wouldn't be there waiting for her. She questioned how she made it through the days, through the weeks, through the months without Tobias.

Kissing her was like waking up, when Tobias kissed Tris it was as if he hadn't been truly living. With her he was awake, with her he was lighter, with her he was better.

Kissing him made Tris realize that her heart didn't just belong to her, that she was not the only person who held her heart. For Tobias had it too, and when he kissed her the way he did, she felt him holding gently to her heart. Careful not to harm, careful not to drop it, careful not to break it.

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Present Day

"Does he really have to leave?" Tris asks her nurse, after she had told Tobias that visiting hours were over for the day.

"You need your sleep." Her nurse says, adjusting the medication running through her IV line.

"But I don't want him to leave," Tris murmurs, obviously tired but staying awake for Tobias. "I mean, have you ever seen a face that handsome?"

Tobias chuckles, kissing his wife's hand. "You are so drugged up right now babe." Leaning forward, Tobias presses a kiss to her forehead.

"Sleep," He whispers against her skin. "You need it love. I'll be here when you wake."

Tobias wasn't going anywhere, not anymore. He wasn't going to leave Tris, no matter what. She didn't leave him, she came back to him. He was going to stick with her, always come back to her. He was going to make mistakes, but he would always come back to her.

A/N: Sweet chapter for you all!💕

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