sixty two

624 34 15

"We have withered through the storms, Taking comfort in each other's arms,"

Present Day

"She was my north."

It was as if heaven cried that day, for the rain fell heavy and it fell hard as Tobias stood along side friends and family. The sky had no clouds and no blue in sight. It was grey, it was dark and it was as empty as Tobias's heart was feeling. The wind blew in cold that made the day all the more dreary and harsh. The ground, as if it was winter, was hard. It was almost like the earth didn't want to take her.

"She was my south. My east, my west. She was my guiding hand."

Tobias's tears roll down his face like the raindrops, but his salty tears stand out amongst the rain. His eyes burn as they spill, and his words come out in soft sobs as he can't contain his heartbreak. But he doesn't care. He cries for his wife as he reads his last standing words to her. He cries for his breaking heart as if it was buried along side her. He cries for he feels utterly lost now, as if in the dark for Tris was his guiding light. Tobias cries... because that's all he can do.

"I thought our love would last forever," Tobias chokes out, having to take a breath just to get the rest of his sentence out. "But I was wrong."

The rain pelted harder, and Zeke moved to shield Tobias with his umbrella, but Tobias didn't want it. He didn't care if he drowned in the tears from the sky above, for he couldn't feel any of it. Tobias felt numb. The only thing still giving off feeling, was his heart, or at least what was left of it. He could feel it beating harshly inside of his chest. He could feel the aching, the struggle to breathe with each new beat. He could feel the pain. The overwhelming suffocating pain that almost brought him to his knees it was so strong. With what he could still feel inside of him, he didn't care one single bit about the rain falling on him.

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Five Years Ago

She was the most beautiful person Tobias had ever laid eyes on

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She was the most beautiful person Tobias had ever laid eyes on. As simple as that.

Her eyes were a shade he had never seen before, a blue with glimmers of grey swirled within. A shade that set her apart from everyone else, making her even more special. They were soft yet strong, they were steady and filled with expression. They were mesmerizing, every time Tobias looked into those eyes he found himself getting more and more lost.

Her hair shown like gold, and it didn't matter whether she wore it up and let it fall free over her shoulders. His favorite thing was to run his fingers through her long locks as it was calming. At night as sleep found them, or early in the morning as they were just waking to the new day.

Her lips; her lips were perfection. From the look of them moving as she spoke, to the way they curled sweetly upward as she smiled his way. Her lips were soft when they touched his own, and they made him crave her more. Her smiles were gentle, they were kind, and they made Tobias's chest blossom with warmth.

Her body was stunning, something he could never get tired of. Whether she was dancing in front of him in a dress that hugged all her curves, or the nights he held her tightly against him. Her body was something Tobias couldn't deny he loved.

But the most beautiful thing about Tris, besides the obvious breathtaking looks she had, was her heart. That was the most beautiful thing about her to Tobias. The heart that woman had, was one you don't come across too often.

Tris had a heart for everything and everyone. From the smallest animal, to the person she had never met on the side of the street. Her heart bled compassion and kindness, and it beat with thoughtfulness and empathy. Her heart was made of goodness, through and through.

The thing about Tris's heart that had Tobias stunned time and time again, was how she managed to allow a part of that heart of gold to be just for him. How she found room in her heart to love a man like him. A man with a history, a man with demons, a man with an endless list of mistakes. Tris made room for that, deep in her heart, just for him.

With the heart Tris had, she had the ability to look at someone and see the good. No matter how black the darkness, she could always spot the light. And she did that with Tobias. She didn't focus on his past that was drenched in darkness. She didn't focus on his demons that blackened much of his present. She focused on everything good, on everything bright. She focused on the love she felt for him, and the man she saw through all the shadows.

Tris could see into his heart in a way he never could. She thought higher of him that he ever had. She loved him in times when he thought he was deemed unlovable. She cared for him when he didn't have anyone. Tris's heart was large enough for the both of them. And that would always be something Tobias would be eternally grateful for.

A/N: Another sad one... ouch!😭💔 I'm proud of my writing in this chapter though!

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