Alternative Ending Epilogue

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"No, I can't remember never loving you."

Present Day

Tris's heart began to beat faster as the distance to their spot became shorter, and she was soon approaching. Tris's mind was swirling and her thoughts were humming about, but she didn't care. The love that bled with each beat of her thumping heart for her husband, was stronger than any fear. The worry she had for him when he never came home, and the relief that she was now going to see him, was stronger than any resentment towards him.

She missed him. It was as simple as that. She missed Tobias as if she was missing a piece of herself, and in a way she was.

Tobias had always been a part of her, long before she even knew it. That rainy May day was just the beginning, just the first stepping stone to their lifetime together.

She didn't know what she would say first when she saw him. She had thought of so many things to say over the past few days, but now that the moment was finally arriving, she wasn't sure. She didn't have any anger filled words to say, and she didn't feel the need to address his wrongs from the other day. For she made wrongs too.

She wanted to tell him she was sorry.

She wanted to tell him that she had missed him these days he hadn't been home.

She wanted to tell him, above anything else, she wanted to tell him she loved him.

He wanted to tell her, above anything else, he wanted to tell her that he loved her.

He wanted to tell her that he missed her these days he hadn't been home.

He wanted to tell her that he was sorry.

The wind blew against him, and he hoped that the fresh air and night sky would calm his rising nerves. For his heart was pounding harshly inside of his chest, so hard he thought it would come beating out. His mind was swimming with anxious thoughts, and his mouth felt dry.

There were a million things he wanted to say to Tris when he saw her, face to face. But as he walked closer to their spot, he felt them all slipping away from his mind. Disappearing and leaving him with nothing.

It wasn't something new to him however, he had always struggled with what to say to Tris. Whenever she was around, he felt at a loss for words. Maybe it was because of how utterly beautiful she was. Maybe it was because he knew she was so far out of his league. But maybe, it was because when it came to Tris, there wasn't a word big enough to describe the person she was.

A shadow loomed in the distance, peering over the railing in the spot Tobias had stood countless times with Tris. And that shadow he realized, as he walked closer, was her. His love. She was here, and this was the moment he had been anxiously waiting for.

Only steps away, her head turns to look at him walking towards her. The winds blows through her long locks that fall over her shoulders, and the lights of the city in the distance reflects in her eyes. Making them sparkle more than they already do. More than that beautiful shade of blue mixed with grey already do.

And as the air around them falls silent, as Tobias stands before his wife for the first time in days, he knows it's his moment to speak. Say the things that he needs to say to her.

"It doesn't surprise me," Tobias says, and looks off at the sight of the city lights over the river. "that I screwed up again. It doesn't surprise me, because somehow with you, it's the only thing I'm good at."

Tobias fears to look at her, but he does. He drags his gaze over to her, and Tris regards him with empathy and compassion. Love. He sees it, in her eyes, he recognizes that look as love.

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