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"When the dark clouds come again, I will lift you up and take you in,"

Five Years Ago

Tris can feel each breath Tobias takes as her back is pressed against his chest, looking out at the shimmering water as they stand in their spot on the bridge. His arms are wrapped around her body, holding her close to him. She can smell the wind and the scent of his cologne, encompassing her in the feel of him. His chin rests in the crook of her neck, and the closeness makes something warm swell in her heart.

Tris wonders how it's possible, with only having known Tobias for a few months now, how she was able to fall so far so fast for this man. It scares her from time to time, how fast she fell for this man, but when she's around him all that fear fades. When she looks at him, when he kisses her, all that doubt and all the questions disappear into thin air.

"I have something to tell you." Tobias whispers in her ear, and she smiles faintly at his voice. The way his voice still makes butterflies erupt inside of her.

"I might be in love with you," He whispers and she can feel the smile stretching out across his lips. "I'm just waiting until I'm sure to tell you."

"That's sensible of you," Tris smiles, leaning further back into Tobias's warm embrace. "We should find you some paper so you can make a list or a chart or something."

Tris can feel the low rumble of his laugh, and the way his lips touch her jaw softly.

"Maybe I'm already sure," Tobias tells her. "and I just don't want to frighten you."

"Then you should know better."

"Fine," Tobias says, kissing her cheek this time. "Then I love you."

Turning her head to face Tobias, Tris looks once into those blue eyes that drown her every time, and kisses him. She kisses him as she's never kissed him or anyone before, and Tobias kisses with that same passion and gentleness that she holds. They kiss like two people who have found true endless love.

| | | |

Present Day

"I thought maybe I'd bring Melody back later this evening to see you," Tobias says, adjusting Tris's pillow for her. "If you're up for it."

Tris had become more tired that morning, but they both figured it was all the medicines draining her and everything going on the past few days.

"That would be nice." Tris says, her voice soft and smiles at her husband.

Tobias pulls up the chair he'd been using everyday, closer to the bed and sits down. "You feeling okay Tris?"

He hopes that she's just tired, that all the soreness is the thing that is tiring her out. He hopes that with some more sleep, she'll be back to her lively self, like she had been for a day or two.

"Mhm." Tris hums, and nods her head faintly. Something in her eyes makes him question her detail less answer, but he tries to trust what she tells him.

"I just feel really tired, and like I don't want to think about any thing right now." Tris admits and Tobias nods, understanding completely.

"Do you have any new music you've been working on?" Tris asks her husband softly, and he leans back in the chair he sits in.

"Some, why?"

"I like hearing you sing Tobias. I love seeing you playing your guitar, like making music was what you were always meant to do." Tris smiles softly and Tobias smiles too. Her smiles, no matter how small, have always been infectious. And this one is no different.

"I've sung to you so many times already, I think you just need to get some rest." Tobias tells her sweetly, and kisses her hand.

"Please? Just one more song?" Tris asks of Tobias, and like many other things she does, Tobias can't tell her no. It's impossible, looking at her beautiful face and one of a kind eyes, he can't say no to her.

"One more song." Tobias agrees.

"I know the rain may fall, And the clouds roll in, Until we think we won't see the sky again,"

Tris watches Tobias sing closely, not taking her eyes off of him. Transported by his voice, lulling her with comfort and love.

"With you right here, Your hand in mine, I know these storms will pass and the sun will shine,"

"And through the good times and the bad times, You're mine,"

His words are all about Tris, nothing short of a poem he wrote simply for her. Singing to his wife, who lays recovering in a hospital from an accident that almost took her away from him, he can't help but sing of his love for her. He can't put in enough words how great it is, but if he can come close he'll be happy.

"I promise you, Right here, right now, This I vow,"

Tris feels the tears in her eyes, leaking down the side of face one by one. Her eyes glistening with love and with pride as she watches Tobias sing to her. But suddenly, as she listens to him sing, she feels as though she's floating. Her breath feeling shallow and fast, his voice fading far from her and all she wants is to come back to the feeling of his voice wrapped tightly around her.

She can hear Tobias calling for the nurses and for the doctor, she watches blurs of people rush into her room, and the last thing she spots before passing out is a blue so powerful it makes her suddenly feel safe. A blue that makes her feel loved, a blue that makes her feel as though everything will be alright.

The last thing Tris sees is Tobias's eyes. The last thing Tobias sees before they wheel her away, is the blue grey of her breathtaking eyes.

A/N: Love the flashback at the beginning, book reference in there again for you all! I thought it fit well. :) Book isn't over yet, still got a few more chapters to go! More FourTris moments to have, more emotions to be felt!❤️

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