sixty one

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"Let me be your sanctuary, Let me be your safe place to fall,"

Present Day

"Her kidneys are shutting down."

The words are bad; they cut into Tobias like a knife. But they aren't the worst thing. The worst thing is the look on Tris's doctor's face. That says a million words, that single look speaks wonders of everything Tobias can't bare to hear.

"But there has to be something you can do." Tobias's body shakes, no matter how hard Tobias clenches his hands into fists they still shake. His voice trembles like his body, and he wills away the tears burning his eyes.

Her doctor sighs and that look goes nowhere. "We are going to do all that we can Tobias."

Tobias should feel a little better knowing they haven't completely given up, but it doesn't. Nothing but Tris becoming well soon could make him feel better right now.

Tobias's mind is spinning. One day she looks as bright and perfect like she always does, the next day she's fading. One moment she's laughing and smiling along side him, listening to him play her another song. The next, she's being moved to the ICU. One second Tobias believes everything will be fine, that this was one more thing that they were going to get through together. The next, all his hope vanishes.

Looking through the window at all the people swarming around Tris, hooking up new lines and other things he can't see or understand, he feels as though he is going to be sick. Tris can beat this, Tris is the strongest person he has ever known. Tobias repeats in his head that they can make it through this, that they will. Because they have to. Tris has to make it through this, she has to.

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Two Years Ago

As Tobias turns to look at Tris, who dazzles in white and lace and perfection, he feels as though he's standing in a world that is not his own

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As Tobias turns to look at Tris, who dazzles in white and lace and perfection, he feels as though he's standing in a world that is not his own. Looking at the beauty standing before him, who looks at him with adoring eyes that pour into him, he can't believe that it's him who is about to marry this amazing woman.

With mistake after mistake, with bump and after bump, there they stand. Tobias can't comprehend how after all the things he had done, every choice he made that was the wrong one, how Tris can stand here with a love for him that has stood the tests of time.

Tobias looks to Tris and watches his entire life, from beginning to end, flash before his eyes. From that raining May day when he met the love of his life, and knew his world was about to change. And it did, that very day, everything changed for him when he met her. He sees every moment with Beatrice Prior flash before his eyes. Every laugh, every smile, every kiss, every touch. Every word, every look, every day he spent by her side. He sees her as she is now, dressed in a wedding dress that looks as though it was made just for her. Waiting for her to wear it in her wedding to Tobias. Waiting for that moment, as Tobias had all his life.

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