forty three

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"I don't remember, How I got here,"

Present Day-- 6 months later

Bliss. One word described life after the wedding for Tris and Tobias. It was if everything was put into a perfect rhythm.

Tris's days were filled with her time at the bookstore, hours being at the place she was proud of. And the evenings were consumed with her life with her husband.

Tobias's days weren't as filled as Tris's, but he had started booking gigs at local places. Evening slots where he could play the songs he had been continuing to write.

Their days looked different in the form of their work or jobs, but their lives lined up.

"I've always liked those." Tobias's voice makes Tris turn around, seeing him standing in the doorway of their bedroom.

Tris is putting her earring in, the shimmering red rubies. The ones Tobias remembers seeing her wear when he saw her for the first time after nine months at the event Zeke took him to.

"You look nice." Tris tell him, looking at his dark denim jeans and navy buttoned up shirt that flatters his biceps.

"Not as good as you do."

Tris is wears a deep red dress, one with black flower decorations.  

"You nervous?" Tris asks, grabbing her bottle of perfume and spraying some on.

Tobias shrugs, walking up behind her. "Not really."

It's Tobias's first time playing for a larger crown tonight, a bar packed with more people then he's used to. The best slot to have at the bar tonight, the time when it's the busiest and people actually care for some music. And tonight, Tris is coming with to see him play his set.

"I'm proud of you Tobias," Tris says, turning around as his arms snake around her waist. "I love seeing you go after what makes you happy."

"I'm sure you do, figuring I chased after you didn't I?"

The single thing that made him happiest, he chased and fought for. And here they are, six months into their forever.

Tris smiles, kissing his nose. Lucky enough to not leave lipstick on his skin. "You sure did."

The ring on her finger feels like a part of her body, unable to see herself without it.

|     |     |   | 

Six Months Ago

The warmth radiates off Tobias, as Tris begins to stir. Opening her eyes, the first thing she sees in the new morning light is her husband.

Married... Husband and wife.

"Morning Mrs. Eaton." She can hear the smile in his voice before she sees it.

Tris looks over to see Tobias's eyes opening up, and warm smile playing on his lips.

"Morning Mr. Eaton." Tris smiles back at her love beside her.

"Would you sing that song to me again?"

Tobias sits up slightly, waking up fully now. "You want to hear it again?"

Tris laughs, "If that was a record, I think I'd break the record player I'd be playing it so damn much!"

Tobias laughs along with her, happily surprised that she liked it that much.

"I'll sing it again for you, we have a whole lifetime don't we?"

Tris nods, and kisses him lightly. "I have something for you."

"I have something else for you too." Tobias tells her.

"You gave me your gift last night didn't you?" Tris asks, and watches him shrug.

"I like to spoil my wife."

Tobias pulls back, watching as she gets up. The blanket wrapped around her bare body, as she giggles going off to grab her gift for him. Tobias grabs the small rectangle box for her as well.


The box is small, wrapped in gold wrapping paper and a white bow. Peeling back the wrapping and opening the lid, tissue fills up the box. Except for the small item sitting right on top, making Tobias smile.

"I really didn't know that your gift would be a song you wrote, and now it's kind of funny that our gifts line up." Tris says as Tobias takes the small object out of the box.

In his hand, lays a small white guitar pick. One that has been customized to read the word in black cursive letters, "Forever and Always."

"This is so thoughtful, thank you." Tobias kisses his wife, and slides his second gift over to her.

"It's crazy you were saying those two lined up, you'll never believe this coincidence either."

Opening up the box, shimmering in the light sits a beautiful silver bracelet. Engraved with the words, "Forever."

Forever and Always, the same words they both came across. Because they were the two words that they both believed without a doubt in the world.

|     |     |     |

Present Day

Tris plays with the silver bracelet that is around her left wrist, the one that reads "Forever" as she watches Tobias getting ready to play. The lights shinning down upon him, guitar on his lap ready to play. And there in his hand, is the pick that Tris gifted to him with the words "Forever and Always".

As he begins to strum his guitar, and Tris can see the audience watching and listening in enjoyment, she smiles.

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Tris can't express how proud she is of Tobias. To see him playing his music up on stage, and finally having a handle on his life for the first time. In control of his future.

Watching him up there, playing at such ease, and hearing how amazing he sounds... she knows that stage is where he's meant to be. Music is the thing he's meant to do. This is part of his path, and Tris is so proud of her husband for finally finding it.

A/N: Shorter chapter today, kind of a filler!

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