forty five

780 35 2

"But you're the kind of trouble, I could get into,"

Eight Months Ago

The strum of the guitar and the soft keys of the piano whirl around them, as they dance their first dance together as husband and wife.

Tobias smiles lovingly down at his bride as he holds onto her as they dance, amazed that this fairytale day is real and isn't a dream. Tris smiles lovingly up at her husband, surprised that he's not tripping over his two left feet like he usually does when he attempts to dance. But most of all, because she can't get over how lucky she feels right now in this moment.

Everything feels like perfection as he spins her around, the way his arms hold her tenderly

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Everything feels like perfection as he spins her around, the way his arms hold her tenderly. The feel of his embrace; something Tris can say she can look forward to for the rest of her life now.

Everything feels like perfection as Tris rests her cheek against Tobias's, the warmth of her skin against his own. The sweet scent of her perfume and the familiar rose scent from her shampoo, swirling around him as they dance. Tobias feels as though he's won the lottery with this woman he calls his new wife, unable to wrap his head around his good luck with her.

The room is filled with guests and music, but it feels like it's only the two of them. Only Tris and Tobias, dancing to the beat of each others hearts. Only Tris and Tobias as they are wrapped in each others arms, seeing no one else in the room but each other.

As the song comes to an end, and the crowd comes back into their reality, they pull away. But staring into each other's eyes, they whisper at the same time, "I love you." As if they stole each other's thoughts, they smile as Tobias leans in to kiss Tris.

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Present Day

"Hey," Tobias greets his wife as she gets home from work. "how was your day?"

Tris smiles at him, setting her purse down on the kitchen counter where Tobias stands making dinner. "Long, luckily the morning sickness wasn't as bad today."

"That's good," Tobias says, coming around the counter to kiss Tris on the lips. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Tris says pulling away from the kiss, and goes over to get a water bottle from the fridge. "how was your meeting?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that."

Tris takes a seat on one of the bar stools, watching him go back to stir what ever is simmering in the pot in front of him. "You're not going to stop going are you?"

He's been doing beyond good, looking at him now if she didn't know him, she would never guess he was a recovering alcoholic. But she doesn't want to see him stop going to his meetings, she doesn't want to risk that having a shift in his sobriety.

"No," Tobias shakes his head, and turns to face Tris. "There's a man I've been getting to know."

He rests his elbows on the counter, facing Tris as he talks. "I first met him at a gig I was playing at his local bar, and then I find out he's started going to meetings. So we talk every week or so."

"This man owns a bar, but goes to AA meetings?"

"Three years sober," Tobias nods. "I respect how he got help but can still own his business."

Tris nods, not wanting to interrupt his story with her thoughts on the matter.

"Anyway, he's looking for someone who would want to invest some money for renovations, and become a business partner of sorts. " Tris is nodding showing that she's listening until she hears the end of this sentence.

"Don't tell me that you're actually considering this?"

Tobias shrugs with a smile playing at his lips, "I don't know, I told him I'd think about it, and talk to my wife about it."

"It could be a good opportunity for me Tris."

"How?" Tris asks, feeling her heart racing in worry.

She can see that Tobias is a little taken a back by the slight anger in her voice, but answers her question anyway.

"It would be something different for me. I have my music but that's really only a job at night. You have your bookstore, this could something for me during the days. It could be a good thing for me Tris."

Tris shakes her head, standing up from her seat. "I don't see how you can think that."

"It's a bar Tobias, a place where alcohol is everywhere. I have faith in you, I have unwavering trust in you, I do. But putting yourself in a state of temptation day in and day out, that seems stupid to me. It really does."

"I'm not going to give up my sobriety Tris, I have too much to lose now."

"I know, and I told you I have faith in you. But you around booze--" Tris shakes her head, turning ready to walk off. But stops herself.

"You want to know what I'm truly thinking?"

Tobias nods, he doesn't want this to be a fight with Tris. He was just aiming for a conversation, he didn't think she'd react to the news like this.

"I think you're looking for something new, because something out of your control has entered your life and you're looking for something you can control again."

"What are you talking about babe?" Tobias laughs lightly.

"My pregnancy, the baby on the way. It's out of your control, it's something that is going to flip your life upside down. It's always been a subject you worried about, when you were out of rehab you would talk to me about your worries about relapsing while being a father. I think you're looking for something you can control in this situation that scares you."

Tobias isn't sure if he's quiet because he's trying to figure out whether what Tris says is right, or if it's because he already knows that she's right.

"I'm going to go change, I don't want to fight with you. I just don't want to see you get yourself into something that is going to backfire on you, on us." Walking over to her husband, Tris kisses his cheek and heads off to change.

Tris has trust in Tobias and his sobriety, but she knows that vices like his are hard to control and hard to predict. She just doesn't want to see him make a mistake that has lasting consequences, just because he's scared about becoming a father.

A/N: Will Tobias take the offer to help run the bar? Is he only considering it to keep his mind of impending fatherhood? What do you guys think? Love reading your guy's thoughts/comments! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)

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