Ch.1- A new start

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Your POV.

"Jam, I can't thank you enough, you really helped me in life" I told my good buddy Paperjam, sipping on my tea, in the employee's office while Frisk is outside playing with the other children. As I said, he's been helping me get an education and get a job as a vet, which is paying more than enough. "Ever since our parents left us, and Chara died, just surviving has been our top priority" I continued "Hey, don't worry about it, it's the least I could do for my friend, you can count on me" he said "Like one, two, three" I continued quoting a song "I'll be there" I guess he likes it too. We chatted, until I had to bring Frisk back home. I had a day off today, and tomorrow's Saturday, when I will go grocery shopping. "Well, I should get Frisk and head home, I will see you in a couple days" I stood up and put my cup by the sink, saying goodbye to PJ and searching for the kid. When I found them, and told them it was time to head home, they gave a sad look and waved goodbye to their friends Geno and Blueberry, Error was also in the back keeping an eye on Blue. Me and Frisk went back home and headed straight to bed, since it was 10PM. Yes, PJ keeps his daycare open almost 24/7.

The next day, I was woken up by Frisk and our little white dog, Toby, I call him the Annoying dog, 'cause he does not want to sit still. The two being hungry for breakfast. I pried myself out of the cozy, warm blankets, and headed downstairs, just wearing some baggy pants and a bra. Frisk and Toby already being in the kitchen. I started cooking some waffles, I learned to make from my mother. When I finished, I stacked some on a plate for Frisk and handed it to them. Once we finished our meal, I went back upstairs to my room, and put on (Your Outfit) and back downstairs again. "Frisk, I will go out shopping, you can go over to Asriel if you'd like, and I'll see you later" They nodded to me and signed that they were going to Asriel soon. "Remember to lock the door when you leave, bye" I put on my coat and headed out to the cold snowy, winter weather. I started to walk down the trail of the mountain and into the city. Living on the mountain makes it a little hard to have any vehicles, except for maybe a scooter or a moped, which I'm trying to save up to, a moped that is, to travel faster. It takes around 20 minutes to get to the city. But once I arrived, I headed straight to the store and went inside, covered in snow. I bought what we need, and started to head back home again. I was still in the city when I saw something quickly run past, and an angry family, screaming after it. What was that? The figure ran into an ally-way, and I followed. Looking around to see if I could find what angered the people so much, and I did. In the corner, whimpering from the cold, looks like to be a small child, with a bag and some food. And looking closer, they're holding an even smaller figure, trying to keep warmth. The older one seemed to be around 10, while the younger maybe 2. I slowly approached them, the older child jumping from fear when they noticed me. I stopped and looked at them with a worried expression, I crouched down beside them, rummaged through the plastic bags, and pulled out a box of muffins, and gave two to the children. I just can't bear to see them like this. "Here, don't be shy, I'm not here to hurt you" The older slowly reached forward to take the food from my hands. "...t-thank you" they stuttered, I'm not sure if it's from the cold, or shyness. "Say, why are you here, all alone?" I asked with a gentle voice "well, we... our d-dad disappeared one d-day, and now w-we have nowhere... to be" they replied. I just can't let these two be alone here, now I don't know their names, barely even know what they look like, the ally way is dark, and the children have most of their faces covered. "Come" I stood back up and the older gave a questioning look. "I can't let you live out in the streets. I have a place where you both can stay" I put my hand out for them to take. They were hesitant, but accepted. "And, if this is... a trick... you're gonna have a bad time" they threatened me. "Don't worry, just trust me" we started walking back to my home on the mountains, I texted Frisk, that we may have some new members in our home.

When we arrived, all of us were covered in snow. We shook it off, and I went into the kitchen to cook some dinner. "You can come in the kitchen if you're hungry" which I'm pretty, sure they are, I could see the older walking inside, with the younger on his side. And now that they don't have their faces covered, I can see that they're both skeletons. "I never got your names" I said. "I-I'm Sans, and my brother Papyrus" the older child replied. "I'm (Y/N), and I hope you will feel at home while you're here" I said, I wonder how long they will stay. "And you can stay for as, long as you'd like"

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