Ch.3-Another new start

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It's been almost two weeks, and I'm starting to worry, it's Friday evening, and on Monday we have, to be out of the house. I was sitting in the daycare again chatting with PJ, drinking tea, like I do every Friday. "I couldn't just leave them out in the streets, I just had to do something" I told him about Sans, and Papyrus. "Well, I'm glad still some people have a good heart" "Yeah, we need more people like this" I continued sipping on my tea, until it's time to go home. "Just, wait a moment (Y/N). I would like you to have this, and I think you need this more than I do" he said from behind me. I looked back at him, holding a golden envelope. I took it and opened it to find a cheche, for 200'000G. "Wha- no, no, I-I can't, I..." I started to tear up. If this is real, we can finally have a real home.


She wrapped her arms around me, with tears of joy in her eyes. I could feel my face heat up. I've liked her for some time now. "Thank you, so much" she said her voice cracking. "Don't worry about it, I just don't want you to live on the streets. I don't want anyone to, honestly." I pulled away, still holding my hands on her shoulders. "Now head back, and get yourself a new home" "I will, and thank you again, but how will I ever repay you?" She had the brightest smile I've ever seen "Don't worry about it for now, just head back home, and fix this situation" she nodded, sprinted out to the hallway, and went to find Frisk and the other.

Your POV.

"Frisk! Sans!" I slid on the floor and appeared in the doorway to the room they were in. "Let's hurry back, and pack our belongings. Today is a good day" they looked confused, eyeing each other in wonder. But hurried to their jackets and put them on. And we hurried back. Frisk running by my side holding Papyrus, and me giving Sans a bumpy piggy-back-ride. We got home in about 10 min, me still having adrenaline pumping through me. I've never ran this much before without being exhausted. And to add the extra weight of Sans. "Sans, help Frisk with packing, I'll go and get my Laptop" I quickly said and ran up the stairs. I got my laptop and looked up some big apartments in the city. I was, able to afford most of them, except for the extra luxurious ones, at almost double of what I have. I called Frisk to come up and check on a few, and let them give an opinion and chose. They stood in the doorway and I beckoned them to me. "What do you think, I can't really choose between these" They looked at the different apartments, and signed, 'wait, we're moving' "Yes, we are! but keep it a surprised to the others, ok?" they made a motion over their lips like a zipper. I said to them what I liked between them all. And after an hour or two, they pointed to the one they thought would be the best. It's placed near the store we go to, the school frisk goes to, and even the daycare. It's placed pretty much in the center of the triangle. And the interior is pretty nice too. And we have an incredible view over the ocean. I have to agree with Frisk. I told them to head back down stairs, and I started to fill in documents. After an hour, Sans came upstairs to my room. "What's up? Frisk seems to be as happy as you are now" he asked. "Oh, you'll see soon, a little surprise" "Do you need any help? I could pack some of your things while you're, doing whatever it is" "Yeah, that'd be nice, and could you get Frisk back up if you're done down there?" "Yes, Miss. I'll go and get some boxes and tell Frisk" "Thank you" and he went back downstairs. They both came back up after half an hour, with empty boxes. I told them to pack the books for now, and that I would help them soon. All I need now is to set a date when we will get the key. Monday.

The couple of days went by and its now Monday, today will be a good day. I sent Frisk to get Sans and Papyrus to the daycare, and soon enough Frisk was back again to help me move. And an hour after that, the trucks arrived to get our things to the new place. And when we got our stuff to the truck they drove off, we were, allowed to come with them instead of walking. I received our key from the reception and signed some papers, and got all our things up 8 floors, the time was 6PM when we finished and could call this our new home. "Frisk, come-on, we have to get Sans and Papyrus here too" they came running, and we headed out. Now we won't have to take the whole day to walk to the city. And we were at the Daycare after 5 minutes of powerwalking. We picked up Sans and Papyrus, flashing a smile to PJ, with one eye closed, putting a finger to my lips, and he winked at me, saying he won't ask and ruin the secret Frisk told him in the morning. We finished dressing and went back to our new home. "Ms. Where are we going?" Sans asked, clearly confused about taking a new path. "You'll see very soon Sans, and you don't have to call me Miss. Just say my name, or whatever you'd like" "Then... can I call you mom?" I was a little surprised with his question, I guess I am like a mother, but the fact that he's gained this trust in me, in such a short time. "Heh, if that is what you want. I'm just a little surprised you trust me this much, this fast" "I can feel a green in you, and green on a human soul, is showed for Kindness" "Oh..." That's something took take a note of, I guess? "So, you can tell how another person is, by just seeing the color of their soul?" "Yes, and you can learn to make it appear in front of you too, and some monsters can make it appear, and we monsters have a soul too, and depending on what kind of monster you are, you might even have a visible soul" "Where did you learn all of this?" "My Dad's a scientist, and I used to help him sometimes" "If nothing too serious happened, I hope you will see him again" "Yeah... me too"

We arrived in the apartment building, and went to the elevators. Pressed the button to the 9th floor, and waited. I took out my keys and opened the door once we got up. The night sky illuminating the room. "Welcome, to our new home" I said as we all stepped in and I closed the door again, locking it. We took off our jackets and coats. I went into the kitchen while the other sat on the couch in the living room. "Hope ya'll like pasta!" I shouted after half an hour from the kitchen, and Frisk came running.

The next day, around 11AM I got a text from PJ, and (BF/N) asking how it went with moving, and what the new address was. I told them the address, and that I'm at work and can't answer them as much. In the evening when I got home, I went to the kitchen to cook some dinner, Frisk should soon be home with the others, I've also given Sans an education at Toriel's human-monster school. 3

The small ones got home just in time for dinner. After we finished, as if on cue, I heard our doorbell ring. I went to answer it and saw PJ by the door, looking up at me. "Hello PJ, what brings you here all, of a sudden?" I asked "Well, I wanted to say congrats for the new home" "Hey, you helped us, so you don't have to congratulate us, it's us who should thank you" "Yeah, I know, but at least you can live in peace now, and I got you these, in a little celebratory gesture" he handed me a bouquet of Gorse flowers, I said thanks and took them from his hands, the flowers stems, sticking to my hands. Still standing in the doorway, I could hear a voice shout my name. "(YYY/NNNNNNNNN)" before they could tackle me in a hug, I side stepped out of the way, and they flew through the door, landing on their face. I could now see that it's (BF/N), now that she's not running, seen as just a blur. "Hello (BF/N)" "(Y/N) I heard you moved in, and wanted to say that we're now neighbors" "Really? I didn't know that!" "You didn't see the mailboxes? With my last name on it, because I saw one that said (L/N) and asked the receptionist what apartment you lived in, heh, heh, heh, and now I'm here. By the way, I live, like, 5 floors under you in 3-11, and who's this?" she mentioned PJ "Oh, this is PJ, a good friend of mine" "Nice to meet you, PJ" she shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you too Miss.." "It's (BF/N) (BF/L/N)" he nodded. "(Y/N)? what's going on here?" Sans appeared around the corner with Frisk. "Don't worry Sans" I said to him, and turned back to the two. "Why, don't you two come in?" They both stepped in and I lead them to the living room. "Would you like some tea? I've got some Golden Flower tea brewing" "Yeah, that'd nice" I went into the kitchen, placed the flowers in a vase, filled up some cups, and went back to the living room, putting the tea on the coffee table. I'm a rebel. We chatted a bit on what's been going on.

Best Friends POV.

"Mom?" I heard someone say. "Yes, Sans?" (Y/N) replied. I looked over to where the voice came from. A smol skeleton, with a blue hoodie that is a little big for him, seems like it's something (Y/N) would wear. And I just couldn't help but melt to his cuteness. "KYAAAAAA!" I put my tea down, dove over the table and landed right in front of, who I assume is named Sans. "You are so cute. Oh, look, it's like a tiny little taco" "Jesus Christ (BF/N), I'm sorry about her Sans" I saw a blue mist surrounding me, and I was lifted in the air, moved to the couch and put down. I saw Sans's left eye glowing blue. He blinked and his eyes turned back to white pinpricks. "Please... not so close" he said. GAH, he's just too cute, I can't help it. "Well, I should get going, I promised to go to Toriel and help her make a Butts-pie, see ya!" I said and left out the front door.

Your POV.

"Uh...ok, bye..." I wasn't even able to say a proper goodbye before she was out. And now it's just me, Jam, and the kids. "So, uh... I-I've been meaning to ask you something, for some time now, and uh..." I could see his face heating up ((Author-chan is not sure what color his blush is)) "Are you ok there?" "Yes, don't mind me... I should get back to the daycare, so I just, want to get this off my chest real, quick" he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "I-uh, I've been too shy before, and I hope this won't make this awkward between us, but... ah, screw it. W-Will you go out with me?" I was at a loss of words. How am I supposed to tell him, without hurting him? "Well, I'm flattered, I really am. But... you're more like a brother to me. But I won't try to avoid you for that, we're still friends, no? Besides there's plenty of fish in the sea. Certainly, you can find something better than this" I made a motion with my hands across my torso. He just laughed awkwardly. "Well, it was worth a shot. I should get back to the daycare" he got up and walked to the front door "Just so you know, I'll never meet another girl like you. But I guess, I'll see you tomorrow" he waved with a smile "Bye PJ" and he left. I feel sorry for him, but I never thought of him that way. Anyway, it's getting late, and I should probably get some sleep, Sans, Frisk, and Papyrus already asleep. I laid on my (F/C) covers. "Sorry Paperjam" I whispered to myself. And let dream guide me for the next few hours.

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