End 2

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I woke up from someone knocking at the door, or more like slamming their fist onto it. I hurried to open it, seeing Sci. "(Y/N) you have to come with me, there's no time to explain" he said. taking my arm and teleporting to an area I haven't seen before. "Come on!" he said, starting to sprint off. I ran after him. He stopped at a door. Opening it with a key-card and code. "Where are we?" I asked. "This, is the core. It uses the heat from Hotland, and converts it into energy. You need to help me, get Gaster out of here!" he said. "what?" I asked. "He's stuck, and if we don't get him out, he will-" he was cut off, by the whole building shaking. Some wiring being cut off, making the door lose power. It was open, but only about an inch. "No, no, no, no!" he started panicking. "why don't you use your magic?" I asked. "It's too much of a risk! It could break the whole thing!" he said. I got a determined look on my face, and went up to the door. I took off my sweater, and started to pry the door open. "It's no use (Y/N), we have to-" he started. My eyes and arms, started to glow white, and I managed to bend the door. "Huh, I didn't know I could do that" I said, in awe at myself. Sci, jumped through the gap, me following.

After a minute of running, and some more rumbles of the core, we reached what seemed like a dead end. I used my new-found powers to move a wall out of the way. Where Gaster was, pressing his back against a wall, standing on a tiny ledge. The core shook again, making him slip, falling and holding onto the ledge. I sprinted towards it. The core shook once again. Making a piece of the floor break, including the one Gaster was on. Time seemed to slow down. Gaster climbed up to the piece of flooring, and tried to jump to the ledge of the floor that's still on the building. I reached to catch his arm. I felt his phalanges, brush against mine, for a moment. I leaned over the ledge, seeing the scientist falling, into the molten rocks. "NO!" I screamed. Breathing heavily. "(Y/N), we have to get out of here!" I heard Sci, say from behind me. He pulled me away from the edge, and out of the core. My eyes, wide with disbelief, with tears running down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry" Sci said. I stayed silent, sitting on the floor, staring at the entrance to the core. Sci put his hand on my shoulder, teleporting me back home, where Sans was sitting on the couch. He grinned for a moment, the seeing my distressed face, and Sci behind me. "What happened?" he asked. "Your father... I-" I started, unable to finish, without breaking down crying. He walked up to me, hugging me. "I'm sorry" Sci said, before teleporting, to who knows where.

((FEELS! I'm writing this at 1:30 AM. So, I hope it's not to crappy))

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