Ch.2-Land lord

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Sunday, or as I call it, Pre-Monday. I was doing some paper work for my boss, and paying taxes, at 4AM. I got through most of it, until I heard screaming. I went into the room downstairs, that is our guestroom, and opened the door. I saw Sans trying to comfort his brother, I went up to them and gently took the small skeleton from his arms. Sans first hesitating to let me, but I gave him a gentle smile, saying that I won't hurt his brother. It doesn't seem that Sans is trusting me fully, and I can understand that. The other humans they've ran into, only seem to have been rude, and built up a bad reputation between them and humans, and I hope they haven't been living out in the streets for too long, it doesn't seem like they've been out for too long, since he still has some trust in certain people, like me and other monsters, as I saw when we were walking to mine and Frisk's home. I tried to comfort Papyrus, and when that didn't work I tried with a song, that I learned from my mother. (Baby Mine. Alison Krauss) "Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head, close to my heart, never to part, baby mine"

When I finished, both Sans and Papyrus were asleep again. I smiled to myself, and put the small skeleton down beside his brother. They must have been tired, since it's so early in the morning. I went back to my room to finish the work I have left. When I did finish it, it was around 6AM, and I went to sleep. Frisk could fix some breakfast when they wake up.

I woke up at 12PM. I've just, been unable to sleep properly ever since my parents dis-owned us. I had a happy family once, and I had two twin siblings, Frisk and Chara. And one day, my parents dis-owned me, and when my siblings were standing up for me, they got kicked out too. I was 17 at the time, with Frisk and Chara at around 7. They both were smart kids, even when they were so young, and they really looked up to me. That was 4 years ago, I put on a (F/C) T-shirt, still wearing my baggy pants, and went downstairs, into the kitchen. I saw the others sitting by the table with some cereal. "Morning, everyone" I greeted. 'Sis, it's 12PM' Frisk signed to me. "I know... I know" I said and went over to get a bowl of cereal myself. I also took out the rest of the muffins, and handed one to each. Frisk signed a thank you, and Sans nodded, while Papyrus already had a quarter of it eaten. "Frisk, do you know if we have any pasta?" I was looking through the cupboards, in search for something to cook for lunch. The shelves are a mess, and needs to be sorted. Frisk pointed to one and I opened it, finding the pasta at the top shelf. I signed thank you, and closed it again. I'll start cooking in a couple of hours, right now I need to eat, and take a shower. I sat down in my seat, and started to eat. After a moment, Toby ran into the kitchen and jumped up on Frisk's lap, and started licking their face. Sans gaze shifted to the dog, his face in an expression like he's seeing a loved one after 15 years of not seeing them. I whistled to Toby, he jumped to me. I rose from my seat and went around the table with Toby in my arms, and reached him forward to Sans, for him to pet him. Carefully petting his head first, but then taking the dog in his arms. Toby seems to like him too. "Seems like someone's got a new friend" I said to no one, in particular. I went back to my seat, and continued eating my cereal while Sans is petting the small dog.

---Time Skip---

It was now 5PM. I heard a knock on our door, which is strange, no one comes around here. I went over to answer it and saw the landlord. Oh, please, not again. The third time this year. "What is it now?" I really couldn't bear her guts. She thinks she can do anything, and just move people around. "Hello Ms. (L/N), I am here to say that, you will, have to move, we are building a park here" She said with an evil grin. "No, I am sick of you, you can't just do that. You have to respect people and what they need, you can't just push people around like this" "Ms. It is decided, and you will move, even if I have to personally drag you out" "Just, please, I have three kids to take care of, and I can't afford a new home, when I'm the only one old enough to have a job" "I will give you two weeks, and then you're out. If not, then I guess I have, to take some drastic measures! I have some other business to attend to, so I will leave you now. Goodbye Ms. And I do not want to see you here after two weeks" and with that she left. I slammed the door shut, startling the kids. I said a quiet, Sorry and faceplanted onto the couch, in the living room. Screaming into the cushions. Toby tried to comfort me, by licking my hand that's hanging off the edge. I turned my head facing the room and sighed. "Frisk, I may have to keep you home from school for some time, to save as much G as possible" they nodded, understanding that we are in a tough time again. "We apparently are not allowed to pay, to stay anymore. I did not mean for that to rhyme" I rose up to a sitting position, looking at Sans and Papyrus. "I should call PJ and register you two" and so I did.

The next day I dropped off the kids at the daycare. "Good morning Ms.(L/N)!" PJ being joyful as always. "Hi, PJ" I answered him, with a sad tone. "Why the long face" "The landlord came yesterday, telling us to move out in two weeks. Apparently, we're not able to pay to stay there anymore, but I can't afford a new home at, the moment. And I should hurry to get to the clinic, you can help these three, and I will see you later, bye Sans, Papyrus" I patted their heads "Bye Frisk" I kissed their forehead, and was out of the warm daycare and out in the cold, jogging to the clinic. Living like this at least keeps one fit.

PJ POV. ((Author-chan is not knowing what she's writing))

I helped the new comers with their clothing and put them in their places. Sans followed as Frisk pulled the three of them to where Frisk usually sits. I sat down by my computer and checked my emails. I've been trying to raise funds for the daycare, and I've been trying by being in lotteries and started a fund raiser. I had an email from a lottery, and this better not be another bike. I opened it and read it. My eyes widened in disbelief.

Your POV.

When I arrived at the clinic, I panted to catch my breath, putting my hands on my knees. I went into the office and put down the papers on the desk, took off my coat, and checked on the clients. I have, to vaccinate a cat right away. So, I went into the waiting room, and called up the owner of the cat, trying to keep a smile on my face.

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