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Your POV

"Hey, Gurlz" I said as I stepped into Alphys's lab. I noticed the lab was empty, and dark. What is going on? "What are you up to?" suddenly the light switched on, I got blinded. Confetti and balloons flying everywhere, and I heard the three of them scream "SURPRISE!" I am confused. "What's going on here?" I said between laughter. "It's your Birthday!" Undyne said. "Wait. Really?" I looked at the date on my phone. "Well I'll be damned, how I could I have forgotten?" I said to myself. "We all pitched in and got you a gift" Hapsta said, the three closing in. "It's a great plot!" they put the gift in my hands, almost leaning on top of me. "For when you die..." Hapsta said with a dark tone. "Which is gonna be real soon" Alphys said, with a more light-hearted tone. "You, piece of shit" Undyne, whispered. Audible for all three. "Guys I'm not that old" I said, with laughter. "Eat some cake you corpse" Hapsta said, using his magic to hold a piece of cake in front of me. I took it, and we couldn't hold in our laughter any longer. "You shouldn't have! Thank you!" I said with glee. "Well, we are besties ain't we?" Undyne asked, putting her arm around my shoulder. "Yeah!" Is all I said. I ate my cake and put the plate aside. Sitting in one of the bean bags. "So, what do you have planned?" I asked. "Well, we have some games. Hapsta prepared a quiz for us. We're watching some anime, and generally will have a great time" Alphys said, listing off what they had in mind to do today. I can tell this will be a great day.

---time skip---

We've played some games, and are now in the middle of Hapsta's quiz. "Would you smooch a ghost? A-Heck yeah. B-Heck yeah. C-Heck yeah. or D-Heck Yeah!" Hapsta read up what it said on screen. Me, Alphys, and Undyne, with boards to write down our answer on, gave him a judging look. We decided to write down our own answers. Undyne- How about no. Alphys-I already like someone else. Me-I already have a guy. "Really? I just thought this one would be fun, but apparently not" Hapsta said, moving in a way, to be seen like he's shrugging. "Moving on" And he continued to with the quiz.

---Time skip---

We just finished watching the second season of Black butler. And I got a message. "Hey, I'm afraid I have to go, Gaster wants me to go to the ruins for some reason" I said, getting up from the bean bag, getting the purse I have my stuff and gifts in. "Well it was nice having you here today. See you around" Alphys said as the three hugged me. "Yup. Bye!" I said and left the lab.

I left my stuff in my room at home and started walking to the ruins. When I reached the massive door, I pushed it open and walked down the long corridor. When I reached Toriel's home, I greeted her, and Toby. I let her keep him, to have some company, when Frisk is out. Toriel told me too walk to where I first fell down. Handing me a note before I left. It's written in wingdings. I can speak, but it takes longer for me to read it. "One day, I caught myself smiling for no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you" it read. I smiled at myself and continued to the ruins. On the black tree outside, was another note. "Since you've been around, I smile a lot more, than I used to" It read. I put the note, neatly folded in my purse. And continued walking. In the rooms where you press buttons by pillars, I found a note. Telling me to push the wrong one. So, I did, and fell to the room under that room, and found another note. "I smile, whenever I get a message from you" I read, put the note in my purse, and continued walking. Up the stairs to find myself in the first of the four rooms. I walked to the room with the three froggits until I found the next note. "Finding someone, who knows all your mistakes & weaknesses, but still thinks you're completely amazing, is priceless" I continued walking, putting the note in my purse like I did with the last three. I was now where I first met Hapstablook's cousin Napstablook. And saw another note in the red flowers. "I didn't plan it, but you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" I smiled, put that in my purse, continuing through the ruins. I reached the room with the dummy, and saw a note on it. "Like a mirror, you can break my soul to a million pieces, but when you look close, your still in it" like with the others, I smiled and put it in my purse. I reached the quartz stair case and descended, finding a note in the center of the room. "I fell for you unexpectedly, but now I plan to be with you forever" My heart fluttered at this. I continued, past the room where I first met that flower, and to the room where I first fell, seeing him standing there. I guess he sensed my presence, and started talking. "I still remember. On the surface, in the true lab. you broke your ribs, but you still stayed strong. But I still couldn't help but worry. And I know that one of the Amalgamates took a picture, which I still want to see. And from time to time, I've been seeing you holding a polaroid in your hands. Smiling to yourself. And I can't help but think it is a picture of someone dear to you, like a significant other. But I still can't help that I've fallen head over heels for you. So, I am asking you, to stay with me. If not for the rest of your life, then for the rest of mine" He said, I approached him. "Well, if you'd like to know. The polaroid I have, is the picture that was taken on the surface, in the lab. And, I have it with me" I took out the polaroid from my purse. "And... why would you think that it would be someone else? You know that I'm yours" I said, handing him the polaroid. "I, was trying to make this romantic, but I've never done anything like this before. And I really wanted to know what you were looking at" he said taking the polaroid. "You know that I love you. And this might be a little soon, but..." He said, taking my hands in his. "We might only have officially been together for a few months. But I've loved you for years" He started. "And I thought it was obvious, since we almost kissed on the surface, right before the war" I said. "Yes, and all I want, is for you to stay with me. I'm usually not the jealous type, but you give me a reason to be. And I couldn't compare the shining light from the stars, to the brightness of your smile. And this may be a little soon-" He said. "You're repeating again" I said with a giggle. "heh... but, I will ask you-" He took out a small box, from the pocket in his lab coat. "-To stay with me forever. So please..." before he could do anything else, I suddenly felt a burning pain in my chest. I collapsed, and blacked out.

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now