Ch.15- .

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I woke up from someone knocking at the door, or more like slamming their fist onto it. I hurried to open it, seeing Sci. "(Y/N) you have to come with me, there's no time to explain" he said. taking my arm and teleporting to an area I haven't seen before. "Come on!" he said, starting to sprint off. I ran after him. He stopped at a door. Opening it with a key-card and code. "Where are we?" I asked. "This, is the core. It uses the heat from Hotland, and converts it into energy. You need to help me, get Gaster out of here!" he said. "what?" I asked. "He's stuck, and if we don't get him out, he will-" he was cut off, by the whole building shaking. Some wiring being cut off, making the door lose power. It was open, but only about an inch. "No, no, no, no!" he started panicking. "Why don't you use your magic?" I asked. "It's too much of a risk! It could break the whole thing!" he said. I got a determined look on my face, and went up to the door. I took off my sweater, and started to pry the door open. "It's no use (Y/N), we have to-" he started. My eyes and arms, started to glow white, and I managed to bend the door. "Huh, I didn't know I could do that" I said, in awe at myself. Sci, jumped through the gap, me following.

After a minute of running, and some more rumbles of the core, we reached what seemed like a dead end. I used my new-found powers to move a wall out of the way. Where Gaster was, pressing his back against a wall, standing on a tiny ledge. The core shook again, making him slip, falling, and holding onto the ledge.


I sprinted towards it, laying down, to help him get back up. Sci, sprinted to us, and helped me pulling him back up. Once we got him back up, and we started to sprint out. We got back to the door, when the floor collapsed. We squeezed through, and ran straight to the exit. I tripped, cutting my ankle at a piece of metal. The other two stopping to get me back up. The heat of Hotland intensifying enough to burn me. I saw a cloud of smoke, quickly approaching us from behind me.

I shot up awake. Breathing heavily. I was back on the green couch at home. Was, that a dream? It felt so real though. "Ah, you're awake" I looked to my side, seeing Gaster with bandages covering his right eye. "What happened to you?" I asked, reaching to grace his cheek. "That dream, wasn't a dream" he said. "Was I thinking a loud, again?" I asked, and he nodded. I rose up to a sitting position. My back burning, feeling like I've been laying on a stove, at full power. I took off the blanket over my legs, seeing the bloody bandages on my right. Along with some burns. I sighed and leaned back on the arm-rest. "I guess a truly happy ending is hard to get, huh?" I said. "An ending with no lethal situations, that is" I continued. Turning to Gaster. "Cause I know I've already found mine" I finished, with a smile. "And we can only hope for it to stay that way" I added. Sighing again. "You've been through a lot today. First you saved a child from the river, and then you saved me from the Core. Without any complaints. You really are something special (Y/N)" he said, kissing my forehead. "I, just don't want anyone to live the life I had" I said. "So, you're saying that you almost drowned, and almost burned to death?" He asked jokingly. "Yup" I answered. "...oh... sorry" he apologized quietly. "Don't worry, it was... during a time I wouldn't have minded if I just... didn't exist, you know? But I'm glad I never did anything. Cause look at where I am now" I said, smiling. There was a comfortable silence. "Could you throw me into the snow?" I asked. "What?" he asked back, clearly confused. "I'm serious" I said, seriously.

The white cold snow. It's nice, even if I only have a T-shirt and some baggy pants on. At least it's nice, at the moment. "Thanks" I said with a small smile. Laying in the snow, almost buried in it. While Gaster is on the porch. "These burns feel better now" I said, burying deeper into the snow. "Are you sure you should do that though?" Gaster asked. "A little frost-bite never hurt anyone" I said. "You do know what you just said, right?" he asked. "100%" I answered. Another silence fell. While I kept playing with the soft, white, frozen water. "I'm getting cold" I said.

Back inside, sitting on the couch with blankets. Me still bearing the small smile. Watching TV. "Honey. The burns are starting to hurt again" I said. And now I'm out in the snow again. Then inside again. This kept going, until Gaster started throwing me out the window, and then using his magic to get be back inside, via said window. Although I don't mind this at all. It's making my burns feel better.

"Dad, why is mom out in the snow?" Papyrus asked, once he got home. "Don't question it, she's got some burns, and that's how she wants to cool them" Gaster answered. "Guess you can say" Sans started. "Sans, no" Papyrus tried to stop. "She's" Sans continued. "Sans..." "Out" "SANS!" "Chillin'" Sans ended, followed by Papyrus screaming. I couldn't help but chuckle. I was brought back inside, and put on the couch. Smiling to myself. I have no idea why I'm this happy. It's like 9PM, but I'm in a good mood. And now I'm hungry. Good thing that Papyrus is in the kitchen cooking, what I can only assume would be spaghetti.

I woke up in my bed. Being confused on how I got here, I guess I just fell asleep on the couch, and was carried here. I felt my legs aching. I took off the blanket, seeing the red spot. "Huh, so that's why I was so dang happy" I said to myself. I swung my feet to the side, and then went up to my drawer. I got a new pair of pants and underwear, along with a pad, and went to the bathroom to change. Once I finished, I went downstairs. Seeing some guests. Melon, Sugarskull, and Horror for some reason, chatting with Sans. "Oh, right! The festival" I said to myself again. The three turned, and greeted me. I went closer to them. "(Y/N) I got your outfit, as promised" Sugar said, handing me a black and (F/C(Other than black)) dress. "Thanks" I said. "And why is Horror here?" I asked. "Ah, you know. The festival of the-" he interrupted himself, sniffing the air. He got closer to my, sniffing me, down to my belly. Every time. "That time again, huh?" he asked. "Yes, now get off" I said, hitting him over the head with my elbow. He yelped and backed off. "So, why were you here exactly? Aside from being a pervert, when I'm bleeding" I asked. "The festival of the dead. And the fact that Halloween is just around the corner, is kinda my thing" he said, smirking. "Right..." I said. "Well, I'll go and try the dress on" I said, and went upstairs. This year, I was asked to be one to give out Sugar-skulls, and of course I agreed. I was careful to put on my dress, not to irritate the burns, and moving the bandages too much out of place. The dress fit perfectly, it's just a little too long. Nothing that a few pins can't fix. I painted my face too, and put on the flower crown, matching the dress. I finished, and went back downstairs. "Well, how do I look?" I asked, spinning. "Perfect, I'm glad that the dress fits" Sugar said. "Yeah, the skirt's a little too long, but I pinned it up, so I don't keep stepping on it" I said. I was handed a bag, filled with colorful Sugarskulls, and a list of all the names for each color. "Just remember, the people have to strike up a friendly conversation, before you can give them a skull" Sugar said. "If they ask you for one, right away, just deny them" he added. We'll be starting in a couple hours, for our day round, which will only be around an hour or so, as a little warm up. Then at 9PM, we'll be out until around 2AM" Sugar said. "That's late... and if I run out of skulls?" I asked. "Just look for me or Melon, and we'll provide you with some more" Sugar answered. "Alright! So, we start in a couple hours, which I guess would be by like 1PM, then we have a break, and then out again by 9PM" I repeated. "Exactly" Sugar said. "Great. Then I guess I'll see you by 1PM?" I asked. "You're the last one we need to visit. So, if you don't mind, we'll be here, until the time comes" Melon said. "Oh, that's completely fine. And since you're here, would you like some cookies I made? They're baked a couple days ago" I asked. They all answered with a yes. I went to the kitchen and put some cookies neatly on a plate, then went back to the living room.

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