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Another couple of days went by. Gaster has been gone for longer periods, and the cracks in his face have kept on expanding. When I first met him, they were paper-thin, and now they're at the width of my pinkie finger. I was reading about the AUs from the app. I was halfway through the chapter about traveling between the universes when the front door opened. hoping it would be Gaster, I looked up, to see Papyrus back from training. I sighed, and sunk down into the couch. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "I'm worried about your father, he's been gone for a pretty long time" I answered. "If he's not here in an hour, I'm going to search for him" I said, and continued reading from the app.

It's been an hour now, and it's only me and Papyrus in the house, if anything Sans would have gotten home by now. Something is not right. I got up from the couch and put on my boots and coat. "I'll be going out. Send a message if you're going to leave, alright?" I shouted. "Yes, mother" I heard Papyrus answer, and I went outside. I took the river to Hotland, first going to the lab to see if he was there. Alphys was there to meet me. "Evening. Have you seen W.D. Gaster here?" I asked her. "Last time I saw him, he was downstairs" she answered. "Thank you, I'll see if he's there" I said, and took the elevator to the true lab. Once there I saw that the door to the main area was locked. Either the amalgamates did this, or he's not here anymore. I searched around for the keys, even asking some of the Amalgamates if they've seen anything. But noting. I got the keys and went to the power room. Still nothing. I went back to take the elevator to the castle. It took a few minutes to get there, but once it stopped, I stepped out onto the gray floor. I walked the only way I could from there, and went to the throne room, seeing Asgore. "My child? What brings you here?" he asked. "It's my husband. I haven't seen him since yesterday evening. I've searched through the lab, and now I'm here, even Sans is missing" I said. "Have you been to the Core?" Asgore asked. "I've told him to not go there, after what happened. But yes, I was there too" I said. "Then why don't you go home, I'm sure he should be back by now" He said. "That's why I started searching. I haven't gotten any information on why he's not back" I said. "But, thank you anyway, your highness. Have a nice evening" I said, leaving.

I got back home, to see a disconcerted Sans. He turned, and ran up to me once I opened the door. "Mom!" He said. "What is it Sans?" I asked, and he hugged me, with tears in his eye-sockets. "At least you're still here" he said. "What happened?" I asked. "It's dad... he went back to the Core" He said. "Take me there" I said, and he teleported both of us to the Core. Employees from the lab had gathered around, me and Sans went up to Alphys, Swap-Undyne, and Sci. "(Y/N)... We're sorry" Undyne said. I was just staring at the entrance to the core. "No... I told you..." I said, squeezing my eyes shut, holding back the tears. This whole scenario is giving me a massive wave of Deja Vú. I went past the crowd, and into the core. It was burning to the right, so I went there. I got to the edge of the broken part, seeing a clipboard. I picked it up. "I'm sorry" It read. I let the tears fall. "Why did you have to come here in the first place?"

It's been a few days. The house has been a lot quieter since then. Even Papyrus isn't talking as much, not even going to train. I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it, seeing Sci and Alphys, with a small box. "We found this in the lab. We don't know how much it'll help though" Sci said, handing me the box. "Thanks guys" I said. "May we come in? W-we need to tell you something" Alphys said. "Of course, come in" I said. They sat down on the couch, and I served them some tea. "So, what did you need to tell me?" I said. "P-please, don't get overly excited, alright? B-but...

...Gaster is still alive" Alphys said. I choked on my tea. "What?! You two, better not be joking with me!" I said. "We're not, we've managed to locate him in the void. But we have no way to get there" Sci said. "What about Error, or Fresh?" I asked. "They've both said that they can't get to the void. Error might be from the Anti-void, but the void is almost impossible to get to" Alphys added. "Almost impossible, huh? So, there is a way" I said. "What about... Ink?" I asked. "We are unable to reach him" Alphys said. "There has to be a way to reach him. I mean, he is the creator of this world, and the other AUs, isn't he?" I asked. "Yes, but he's incredibly difficult to reach" Sci added. "I just have to keep believing, and have Determination. I will not give up hope, until I've met him" I said. "Believe" I repeated to myself. I opened the small box, seeing the polaroid picture. I took it out of the box. "Just, have to believe" I repeated. "Believe in myself" I added. I held the polaroid close to me. A green glow flashed, where my soul is. "Please, help me" I whispered. Shortly after I heard a noise. I turned around seeing a ball of light. "What the?" I asked myself. The ball expanded, and got a rainbow ring around it. It continued to grow, until it was about my size, and someone stepped out of it. The person, another skeleton looking like Sans, with a paintbrush in his hands. The portal closed. "Well, that's just another cliché moment, now isn't it?" he asked. "Who are you?" I asked. "I believe you already know me" he said. I stayed silent. "C'mon, everyone knows me" He said. "I guess I'm the odd man out then" I could see Alphys and Sci facepalm beside me. "This is who you've been searching for (Y/N)!" Alphys said. "Oh! So, you're Ink?" I asked. "Now you got it" He answered. "I heard someone wanted to get into the void, huh?" he asked. "Yes! Please. I want him back" I started. "Calm down there. I can get you there, but you may have to spend a few days to a few years, before you find him. The void is endless, and it connects all AUs. And just know, that you have a certain time until you won't be able to leave. Ever" He said. "So... are you really sure you want to go there?" he asked. "If it means, that I have another chance to get my family whole again, I'd do it" I said. "Just know that you have about, a week, if you take the time from this world. Until Gaster will be unable to leave. And just so you know, you won't be able to check any clocks or calendars. The void has no time, and electronics will not work either" He said. "Then can you promise me, to get me back before my time is up?" I asked. "Of course. If I am able to find you" He said. "Thank you" I said. "Make sure, to know where you've been too" Ink said, opening another portal. This one looked a lot more "normal" it was like a ring of rainbow, and you could see the other place through it. It was all black. "Do I need like a flash light?" I asked. "No, you don't. You'll see that you can see yourself as if in the sunlight" Ink said. I stepped through. "Just, tell Sans and Papyrus I'm at work or something, I don't want them to worry" I said. The three nodded, and the portal closed. Now only seeing black, above, under, and all around me. "Hello?" I asked, hearing an echo. This is going to get lonely fast. Okay, so, if I just walk a straight line, I should find something, right? I told myself, and started walking, hearing an echo from my footsteps. It was easy enough to get here, if you know the right guy. Now to find Gaster and get out in time.

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now