Ch.7- Back again

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We arrived in the apartment, and when Frisk, and Sans saw us, Frisk ran up to my side, and Sans to Gasters side, and sandwiched us, in a group hug. "You're back!" Sans yelled. "What happened in the lab?" He continued. Me and Gaster laughed nervously. "Well, you can come with me to the kitchen, and I'll cook some tacos" I said, walking into the kitchen. Sans came in, shortly after. "So?" He asked. "Well, I have a picture, but don't take it the wrong way. It was an accident, and it just so happen to look legit" I took the polaroid out of my pocket and handed it to him, then went back to cook. He looked at it and chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked, turning my head back to face him. "I had a feeling... heh, heh" He said, chuckling. My cheeks turning pink. "Hey! A reaper bird, or whatever, tripped him!" I said, trying to defend myself. He started laughing. I grunted, and went back to cooking. The tacos almost done, and Frisk got into the kitchen with Papyrus. "Hey, Frisk, guess what" Sans started. "Saaaaaans..." I said, I know what he's going to say. "Never mind, then" He said "Thaaaaank" I said, happy that he'll keep his mouth shut for longer. They sat down by the table, and I served the tacos. Gaster coming in, and Sans giving him a look. Gaster gave him a confused look, and Sans nodded his head towards me. ((Reader-chan doesn't see this BTW)) Gaster, still being confused, Sans signed. 'You like her, huh?' Gaster blushed and said nothing. I turned back around from the counter, with another plate of tacos, and saw Gaster's lit up face. "What happened?" I asked, more like a statement. And they stayed silent, except for the chuckle from Sans, and Frisk bobbing their shoulders. I rolled my eyes and set down the plate on the table.

When we finished, the sky was clear and stars were shining. Perfect for stargazing. "Guys, sudden plans. Who wants to go stargazing?" I shouted to the living room, with excitement. They all agreed to come with we packed some camping equipment and headed to Mt. Ebott. The land lord, was forced to give up their property and there is no park there. And it's a perfect spot to star gaze. On the way, me and Frisk bought some Gorse flowers. The other three questioning why. "You'll see once we arrive" I said, and we continued up the mountain. Once at a certain place on the trail, me and Frisk took a detour, with the others following like walking question marks. We got to a clearing, with a lone tree in the middle. The bark is black, and with no leaves. By the roots, against the tree, was a bed of red flowers, a heart locket, and a framed picture. "What is this?" Sans asked. "This... is where Chara is resting" I replied. Put the flowers down by the picture and took the locket. I opened it and showed the last picture we took together before she died. "This, is the last picture we had of them, before we found them here close by, tangled up in thorn vines. We go here on their birthday each year, Christmas, Halloween, new year. Any holiday really" I closed the locket again, and put it down neatly. "And this, was their favorite spot. In these woods" We stood there for some time, me telling them who Chara was. And we continued up the trail. Once we reached another, much bigger, clearing, we set camp. I took out my telescope and some blankets to sit on. After an hour, Gaster led me higher up the mountain, until we were in a clear view for the stars. My eyes widen at the gorgeous sight, and without the city light. I'm able to see more of the galaxy and the stars, a stunning sight, that I never knew. "How did you know of this place?" I asked. "I used to come here when I had time, and needed a break" He said. I sat down on the soft grass, and Gaster sat down beside me. "If you don't mind, I saw frisk talking about you getting disowned" Gaster said. "Yeah, about that. I guess I should tell you. We already were a dysfunctional family, except for me, Frisk, and Chara. One time, when I was around 15, my dad was drunk driving and we got in an accident. I was the one who took most of the damage, with the wind shield breaking. The glass hit me in my lower abdomen, and I was, not rushed, to the hospital. I had to call them myself and it took some time until they got me from the wreck. But when they were taking out the glass, they found out that it had caused me to... get sterile" I told him. "And that caused you to be disowned?" he asked. "You're smart, I know that for sure... yes. because I couldn't get any children myself. And when my siblings stood up for me, saying that's a stupid reason, they were disowned too" I continued. I started tearing up. Gaster noticed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you" He said. "don't worry, I at least have Frisk" I said, snuggling into the black coat. "And you know, in the true lab" he started "Yes?" "Well, I realized something, that I haven't felt for a long time. I just want to say that... if we could count every star in the universe, it wouldn't be enough to show it. I'm really happy that I got to meet you" He started blushing, and I did too when he backed away a little and took a hold of my cheek. Staring into each other's eyes, I just now see the orange and blue pin pricks. "I can't imagine how life would be without you here, so I just want to say, thanks for everything. For taking care of my sons for 5 years" he said. And without me realizing it, we started to lean in and closing my eyes. I heard a loud banging noise, and we quickly turned to look down the steep hill. Fires, smoke, the sounds of gun shots. "What is going on?" I asked in slight panic. Gaster just started at it and slowly started to back away. "no..." he mumbled to himself. "Get the kids" he demanded me. "What? What's-" I was cut off "Get the kids! I'm sorry" he ran to the steep hill, jumping. "Just know that..." He held up a sign, I haven't seen before. Devil horns, but with the thumb  out as well, before he disappeared in the rising clouds of ashes from burnt wood. I ran up to the drops edge, and started to tear up. "What? I-" I was unable to get a word out. But I need to stay Determined and get the kids. When I got to the camp, I saw soldiers. Monsters holding Sans and Papyrus. Sans's eye flickering between blue and gold. While the humans are trying to pull Frisk away. Another human saw me, and dragged me along. I struggled to get out of their grasp. Before I was taken away, I saw the monsters, putting a collar on Sans, and the light in his eye died. A magic restriction collar. "SANS!!" I tried calling out before being put in a truck with Frisk. "Papyrus..." I whimpered out when they closed the doors and drove off.

Gaster POV.

I landed on the battle ground. I was afraid this would happen. I took a shortcut over to Asgore and attacked the attacking humans, with Gaster blasters. Them being wounded enough, their souls shattered, and limply dropped to the ground.

---Time skip---

The war has ended. I managed to hide, while the humans banished monsters underground. I was going to search for any survivors, but all I see is dust and human corpses. I wandered around, and found the body of Utossé. The captain of the royal guard. Her soul floating above her. I crouched down, put a hand on her fore head, trying to give her a message from when she wakes up.

When I took of my hand again, I saw her soul was not there. I rose up and started walking to the opening in Mt.Ebott. The forest burnt, and most life is gone. I walked past Chara's resting place, all was burnt, but the locket still intact. I took it and opened it, the picture being whole inside, un touched, by the flames. I closed it again, and took it with me. My only chance to have a memory item of them. I continued up the mountain, until I found my destination, and jumped down the hole, landing on a patch of flowers, where Sans and Papyrus were waiting.

((There will come up a long chapter, which might take a couple days to write. I will try to make some chapters to have in draft so I still can update, while I'm writing. And I'm sorry if they seem, half-a$$ed. Stay tuned :3))

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