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5 Years have passed, I've been able, to afford a moped, Papyrus have just started with pre-school, and Sans in 9th grade while Frisk is in their first year of Gymnasium. Papyrus have gotten more talkative, while Sans is in his room. I wonder what he's up to, sometimes I see strange light coming from underneath his door. Puberty I guess. He's also developed a love for Bad puns. Raised him well. He's also, almost, grown into the hoodie, he said he got from his Father. And the Scarf papyrus has, is still a little long. I was walking down the street with Sans, going to pick up Papyrus from the Daycare. His schedule is a little messed up for the time being, and he's got no school on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Once there, I looked through the window for PJ in the office. Seems like he's got company. I could see a bright collection of neon colors. ((In this story, he's not a kid)) I knocked on the window, to signal that I'm here. We stepped inside, and soon enough PJ was here to greet us. "Hello, Ms.(L/N)" "Hi, PJ. I saw you've got company" "Yeah, just a moment. Fresh, get in here for a moment" he called back to the office, and a very, VERY, colorful figure emerged into the hall. My eyes hurt from all the neon, and contrasts. "Wha-sup?" they held up a peace sign. "Hi..." I said "(Y/N), this is Fresh, he's... my new Boyfriend" PJ said, scratching the back of his neck. "Hold on, let me get this straight" I rearranged a sheath of paper, to align with the other on the table beside me, and we snickered. "Ok, so, I rembember you saying you'd never find a better girl than me. Heh, I guess you kept your word" We all laughed at my statement. I told Sans to go look for his brother, and he went straight to it. "Anyway, I'm happy for you. I'm still waiting for my prince charming" I told them "Don't worry, I'm sure they will come to you one day" PJ said. "Or, maybe you should go look for them. The poor idiot could be stuck in a tree somewhere and needs your help" Fresh chimed in. "Like I did for you" PJ answered him. "When we first met, you were stuck, at the top, of a pine tree" He continued, Fresh laughed awkwardly. Around the corner, Sans appeared with Papyrus. We said goodbye and left to go home. On the way, we bumped into Blue and Error. Blue being Sans's classmate, and I think Error is around two years older, or so.

Sans POV.

"Heya, Blue" "Sans! Thank god. Our band director, has been in an accident, but you weren't at practice. And I couldn't find you after so I decided I could come here and see if you already got home, but you-" he spoke really fast. "Blue, Calm down" Error said, with a glitching voice like usual. "Sorry, but our director got in an accident and broke their metacarpals. We might not be able to have the concert if they don't heal in time. We've prepared so long for this musical, and all the tickets are sold" Blue, one of the singers in the musical-band, their more like the size of an orchestra, with singers, than a simple band. But they rather be called the Musical-band, than an orchestra, I don't really care, to be honest. It's outside of school grounds, and Error is a singer too. I wonder how he got in with the glitching voice of his, maybe he's able to control it? But something that surprises me is that, Blue is singing the melody, and base. You'd think the base would match more on Edgey, but nope, he's singing soprano. And I'm in the instrumental part, with trombone. All the singers are also Actors/Actresses. "First of all, calm down. Second, what about Note? He is the son of Maestro, isn't he?" I asked. "That's the problem. We've already asked, but he denied it, saying he wouldn't be able to since he would be worrying too much" He answered me. "There has to be someone who can direct, right? Do you know anyone Error?" "My brother, is still in training, but wanted to learn to direct an orchestra. But I won't be able to reach him that easily. We don't exactly, have the best of relations" "Great... Now what?" "I think (BF/N) could help, she's from an orchestra herself. I can check if she still has some contacts with them, and see if they have a director. If not, I'm not sure how much of help I can be" My mother butted in on our conversation. "Thank you, Ms.(L/N) We would all be grateful, for your help" Blue said, with literal stars in his eyes. "We should get going, c'mon blue" "Yeah, nice talking to you two. Sans, we'll see you tomorrow for practice" "See ya" and we went our separate ways.

Blue POV. ((Off track, I know))

Humans can still freak out from some of our magic, like Error's portals for example. So, when Error goes home, he needs to go somewhere he won't be seen, or he might get in trouble. We walk into a forest, the trees just about to bloom. I saw Error going slightly of the path, and sat down on a flower patch in a clearing. I went after and sat down beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Is something wrong, Erry?" "Yeah... I was just thinking of how your father will react to us" "Don't worry, I'm sure he won't mind" I turned to face him. "He's not really that kind, of overprotective" "I guess, you're right. And if he doesn't accept this?" I kissed Error, to silence him from a moment. "You overthink things too much, just keep your mind calm for once" "Sorry" he said quietly, and I giggled. "What's so funny" "Just, you, being yourself" He chuckled, then gently kissed me.

((Fight relentlessly, ship aggressively))


I was cleaning up the daycare, or trying to. Some kids are still running around playing. I gave up after a couple of hours, and the little bell above the front door rang. Indicating someone was here. Weird, I don't have anyone to be picked up at, this time. I went to the hall, and saw a tall figure clad in black. And he spoke a foreign language, that I've luckily been reading, but can't pinpoint. And to my luck, Fresh is fluent, and still here. I told the... man? To wait and I went over to get him. We got back, and Fresh started speaking. "?dedeen uoy gnihtemos ereht si" "?ereh dnuora nerdlihc owt htiw, lrig (C/H) a nees ot neppah t'nevah uoy, sey" he asked. I think. "He's talking about a (H/C) girl, with two children" Fresh said to me. "Can be anyone! But someone frequent here, must be (Y/N)" I told him "?(N/Y) naem uoy" "?gnidaeh s'ehs erehw wonk uoy od ?eman reh s'taht, os" "Where is she going?" Fresh asked me again. "Home, but I don't know if I should give the address to a stranger, unless he knows her" "Well, it doesn't seem like it, brah" He told me, and turned back to the figure. "?noitacol reh deen uoy od yhw tub. Tnemtrapa reh yb ylneddus regnarts a, etaicerppa dluow ehs fi wonk t'nod I" Fresh asked. The figured put his hand on his shoulder. A hand with a hole through the metacarpals. "niaga snos ym ees ot tnaw I" Fresh looked at me, and pushed me into the office, excusing us for a moment. "Why did you?" I was cut off. "I think this (Y/N) would want to see him. He's the one she's been searching for if what he says is true" "You don't mean... but how? I thought he was done for after the accident" "I don't know, brah. But you should give him the address, and if it's not the right person, (Y/N) should be smart enough, and she believes you" I quickly scribbled down her address on a piece of paper and handed it to Fresh, and he handed it to the man, who then left. But this can't be true, he looks so different too. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see if it really is Dr.W.D.

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